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IKN Nusantara Combines Natural Concepts with Technology and Utilization of EBT


By: Tyas Permata Wiyana )*

The development of the Nusantara National Science Institute was really very well thought out so that no other country has a capital city like that. It even combines several concepts at once, namely the concept of nature with the use of smart technology and also the use of new and renewable energy (EBT).

Of course, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) has a number of specific reasons why it ultimately decided to carry out the development of the Archipelago’s National Capital (IKN) and to move the capital city from Jakarta to East Kalimantan. Regarding this matter, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo revealed a number of reasons.

According to him, the main reason for the development of the National Archipelago National Park in East Kalimantan is, of course, in the context of equity from various sides, such as the economy, population, and development.

Not without reason, the article President Jokowi revealed that all this time all development has been on the island of Java alone, which causes up to 58 percent of gross domestic product (economic GDP) in Indonesia to be in Java, then as much as 56 percent of Indonesia’s population is also in Java.

So, according to him, the island of Java has become very densely populated, so there is a great need for equitable distribution of development that is no longer just Java-centric, but Indonesia-centric, so that it is not entirely centered on Java.

The President also emphasized that moving the capital city from Jakarta to IKN in East Kalimantan Province was not his idea. According to him, the 1st President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soekarno, had initiated the transfer of the capital since 1960. At that time, Bung Karno was indeed going to move the capital city to Kalimantan, namely in Palangkaraya to be precise.

On this occasion, the President also emphasized that relocating the capital city was not just a physical relocation related to government buildings or buildings. Instead, the transfer of work culture and new mindsets is accompanied by well-prepared systems and human resources.

He also hoped that later the new capital city could actually become a capital city that no other country had. The President also believes that the IKN project will be completed in the next 15 to 20 years and that IKN will become a government city. Meanwhile, Jakarta, even though it is no longer the national capital, the President said Jakarta would still be improved and become a city of business, tourism and economy.

Meanwhile, the Head of DPMPTSP Kaltim, Puguh Harjanto said that IKN will be introduced as a future city that can become the new face of Indonesia on the world stage, through the introduction of concepts and the application of green technology in IKN, will support the utilization of New, Renewable Energy (EBT) in order to achieve Indonesia’s targets. free of carbon emissions.

It cannot be denied that electricity is indeed a necessity in people’s daily lives, both in household use, business, government to industry. As an effort to meet the demand for electricity in East Kalimantan, the plan is to build several generators, transmissions, substations and distribution networks, taking into account the availability of local primary energy potential.

IKN will be introduced as a city of the future that can become the new face of Indonesia on the world stage, through the introduction of concepts and the application of green technology in IKN, will support the use of EBT to achieve Indonesia’s target of being free of carbon emissions.

On the other hand, the Minister of PUPR, Basuki Hadimuljono added that the construction of IKN must pay attention to the principles of lean construction and use building information modeling (BIM) so as to increase the effectiveness of resource utilization and reduce construction waste.

According to him, now his party has a big task in building IKN infrastructure, which carries the Smart Forest City concept by prioritizing the principle of being one with nature, but applying smart technology and being able to encourage the use of renewable energy.

IKN, he continued, is expected not only to become a symbol of progress in Indonesian civilization but also to become the Most Sustainable City in the World. The PUPR Ministry has planned to apply the concept of green infrastructure or green infrastructure in the development of IKN Nusantara. This is done at IKN with a design to promote the concept of smart, innovative and inclusive city development by prioritizing global principles with local wisdom.

To create a smart metropolis, IKN is also developed as a modern city to meet world-class infrastructure standards. It also applies smart technology to create livable cities.

The use of new and renewable energy (EBT) is a very important thing to do recently, especially when there is an issue of an energy crisis. Of course, knowing all of these things, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia also continues to make efforts in developing the National Archipelago’s IKN by continuing to utilize EBT, then also combining natural concepts with the use of smart technology.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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