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IKN Nusantara for Population and Economic Equality


By: Fabian Aditya Pratama )*

IKN (National Capital City) was built for equal distribution of population and economy. When the IKN has been inaugurated, residents will migrate there and get jobs and a good livelihood. In addition, IKN will help with economic equality, because the economic center is moved to the middle of Indonesia. The people of Kalimantan, Sulawesi and other regions will have more advanced economies.

Equal distribution of welfare is the government’s main mission in 2023 and the government is trying to apply the fifth precept of Pancasila, namely ‘Social Justice for All Indonesian People’. In practicing social justice, we need equal distribution of welfare for all Indonesian citizens. Don’t let the ones that are advanced only in Java while other areas are less optimized.

The first step in distributing prosperity is to move the capital city from DKI Jakarta to North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan. By moving the capital city, there will be economic equality because the center of the economy is in the middle of Indonesia. In the future there will be justice and equity because all islands in this country are considered, not only in Java.

President Jokowi emphasized that the development of the archipelago’s capital city is not just moving the capital physically, but is one of the efforts to equalize development outside Java Island. The reason is, with the occurrence of equitable development, the economic aspect is also expected to be evenly distributed. He emphasized that the development of the archipelago’s capital city is not just moving the capital city physically, but building new ways of working so that service to the community is better and faster.

By moving the national capital to Kalimantan Island, it is hoped that the mindset of the people will also change and they will want to work hard, so that human resources will also increase. President Jokowi continued, currently 56 percent of Indonesia’s 280 million people live on the island of Java, and 58 percent of economic turnover also occurs on the island of Java.

Therefore, in order to push the gross domestic product out of Java Island, infrastructure development continues to be increased in other regions. Therefore it is necessary to call equity, not Java-centric, but Indonesia-centric. Why is the infrastructure built so much outside Java? The goal is for equity. To encourage economic GDP to be distributed outside of Java.

If there is equity, then the aim is to realize social justice for all Indonesian people, including the capital city, where the development of the IKN is one of the ways for the Indonesian state not only to continue to develop, but to become a developed country. This is because many countries in Latin America and Asia have only been developing countries for more than 50 to 70 years, because they did not dare to change their human resources and mindset in new ways.

The purpose of moving the National Capital from the Special Capital Region of Jakarta to Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan, is to build a new mindset for society. In addition there will be mass development in Borneo and the surrounding area. Both in the form of government buildings, schools, factories, sports training places, etc.

After East Kalimantan became a modern region, then other parts were also built so that it could continue to progress. It will also be followed by construction in Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara and other islands.

Development in Kalimantan must be carried out because it should not be Java-centric, aka everything is on the island of Java. Indonesian citizens are not only in Java, but also in other islands. There should not be a gap so that in Kalimantan there are still illiterate people due to lack of access to education.

Java-centric must be removed because Indonesia stretches from the island of Sumatra to Papua. If the government wants to apply the Fifth Precept of Pancasila then justice is created on the entire island. This is done by building infrastructure in the form of roads, toll roads, bridges, dams, school buildings, etc.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Commission IV DPR RI stated that Daniel Johan stated that the transfer and development of the IKN was the hope of the people for economic equality and the Indonesian population. Development will be in accordance with the target so that the plan will be realized.

In a sense, the people’s representatives represent the voice of the people who are sure of the future of IKN. Later IKN will prosper the people of Kalimantan and create equitable development and economy throughout Indonesia.

When IKN was still in the development period, economic equity had begun to emerge. The reason is because culinary business owners get a higher turnover. They have many advantages because IKN workers visit their shop to buy food.

In addition, the distribution of population occurs because it is predicted that there will be mass transmigration. Where residents move to East Kalimantan to seek a better life. At IKN there will be many job vacancies, ranging from government employees to private companies.

IKN Nusantara was built to realize equity in Indonesia, both in terms of population and economy. IKN will remove Java-centric but form Indonesia-centric. This country will be more prosperous and advanced.

)* The author is a contributor to Nawasena Institute

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