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Beware of Election Hoax Content on Social Media, Police: We Take Down and Block


Jakarta — The Directorate of Cyber ​​Crime (Dirtipidsiber) Bareskrim Polri continues to carry out cyber patrols and propose takedowns and blocks on hoax content and news.

In fact, cyber patrols are carried out 24 hours non-stop, and the aim is indeed to create a conducive cyber environment ahead of the 2024 Election.

“We, from Dirtipidsiber, conduct cyber patrols 24 hours a day. And we find hoax news content, then those that contain elements of pitting against each other, sara, slander will be proposed to be taken down and blocked,” said the Dirtipidsiber Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Adi Vivid Agustiadi.

Furthermore, Brigadier General Adi Vivid added that the effort to carry out the takedown and blockade was carried out by his side by collaborating with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics.

“This means that the application for takedown or blocking to the Ministry of Information has gone through the assessment stage,” he said.

For information, to be able to handle all cases in cyberspace, the National Police also cooperates with many other experts such as ITE experts, languages, sociologists to criminal experts.

Then, the Dirtipidsiber Bareskrim Polri explained that recently there has been an increase in hoax content and news on social media.

Therefore, his party also automatically experiences an increase in content submissions for takedown and blocking.

“If the exact numbers are clear, a lot of the content that we are proposing for takedown and blocking, it is clear that there has been an increase, for real the data is with us,” he explained.

According to Brigadier General Adi Vivid, society’s tendency to be polarized through social media is still quite strong. However, his party does not yet know in real terms how it compares to the 2019 General Election event because the 2024 Election has not yet been held.

“That means we will compare 2019 and now, right now it’s not included. This means that if you compare later in 2024, we can only compare the numbers in 2019 compared to the numbers in 2024,” he concluded.

He added, that in order to really calculate and measure data regarding how hoaxes spread on social media, this will be known in real terms after the General Election is held.

He admitted that Ditipidsiber could not work alone at all, so he clearly needed help from other parties or institutions.

Therefore, cooperation with other parties such as the BSSN, cyber army and others continues.

For Brigen Adi Vivid, collaboration with many parties is very important to be able to jointly create a conducive virtual world in facing the 2024 Election.

“We have collaborated, meaning we Dittipidcyber cannot work alone, there is BSSN, there is cyber army, we embrace all of them for how we together create a conducive virtual world facing the 2024 (election),” he added.

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