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The Job Creation Law Represents the Development Aspirations of MSME Actors


 By : Samuel Christian Galal )*

         The Job Creation Law fully supports the aspirations of MSME actors regarding access to finance and inappropriate regulations from several banking institutions through Coordination Meetings for Banking and Financial Services Access Regulations as well as through Focus  Group Discussion (FGD) forums  to facilitate development for MSME actors.

Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 2 of 2022 regarding Job Creation was changed into law on Tuesday, March 21, 2023. Regarding this matter, Puan Maharani as Chair of the DPR RI passed the Job Creation Law during the 19th Plenary Session of the Session Period IV Session Year 2022-2023.

The ratification was attended by representatives from the Government, namely, the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Airlangga Hartanto as well as several representatives from the Ministry of Manpower.

According to Coordinating Minister Airlangga Hartanto, the ratification of the Job Creation Law provides legal certainty and actually makes it easier for Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), because there are several policies that are more flexible in employment.

In fact, Airlangga also revealed that the government is encouraging investment and mobilizing MSMEs so that getting halal certification is made easier.

Not only that, according to him, the Job Creation Law actually gives preference to MSME actors, one of which is through regulations regarding the acceleration of halal certification for various types of goods and services.

Apart from that, the Job Creation Law contains several other regulations regarding Trade Business Licenses (SIUP) and Company Registration Certificates (TDP) which are requirements for financing for MSME actors.

Unfortunately, there are still several agencies that issue SIUP and TDP as one of the financing requirements for MSME players, because this makes them nervous and can hinder MSME development.

In fact, SIUP and TDP have been transferred to a single Business Identification Number (NIB), so that there is a discrepancy between banking financial institution regulations and the Job Creation Law.

Regarding aspirations for the Job Creation Law, the Job Creation Law Task Force, Suahasil Nazara stated that his party received a number of aspirations from the community, especially from MSME players and local governments that they had problems accessing financing.

Of course, the aspirations of these business actors were accommodated until the Head of the Ciptaker Law Task Force held a Coordination Meeting on Banking and Financial Services Access Regulations together with Individual Companies which took place at the Ministry of Finance.

The meeting discussed obstacles in the field that were felt by business actors so that they were resolved thoroughly, especially regarding access to financing for MSMEs.

Apart from making it easier to obtain MUI halal certification, Suahasil said that the Job Creation Law regulates Business Identification Numbers (NIB) which are a single permit.

Furthermore, Suahasil said that this was still not fully implemented because there were several financial institutions that issued trading licenses (SIUP) and company registration certificates (TDP) when MSME actors accessed financing.

         There are regulations related to SIUP and TDP as one of the conditions for accessing this financing. I Ketut Hadi Priatna as Chair of the Data and Information Coordination Working Group is still exploring several individuals who requested these requirements.

         Meanwhile, Tina Talisa as Chairperson of the Socialization Substance Working Group said that the Government itself had agreed not to issue SIUP and TDP regulations and was already using the OSS ( Online Single Submission ) and AHU online systems.

However, Tina stated that there were still several agencies asking MSMEs about this SIUP and TDP, one of which was the banking institution.

         In this regard, Raden Pardede responded that an update was still needed regarding the SEOJK or the issuance of a new SEOJK regarding business relations both banking and non-banking.

         According to the Deputy Director of the OJK Banking Regulation and Development Department, Titi Safitri, it is possible that several agencies, such as banks, have not yet received the circular letter, therefore it is necessary to carry out more massive outreach related to SEOJK or POJK to several agencies.

         In line with this, in the  Focus Group Discussion  (FGD) meeting held in Bandung, Employment Expert Professor Tadjuddin Noer who is also a Professor from Gadjah Mada University also attended and revealed that there had been changes related to easier and faster licensing arrangements since the Law was enacted. Create this Job.

         Of course, in this regard, it has a clear objective, namely that there is alignment with the parties concerned who refer to the Job Creation Law.

Therefore, the meeting Suhasil hoped that the regulations would be updated, even if they needed to be amended following the Job Creation Law, so that the presence of the Job Creation Law could make it easier for MSMEs, especially those related to financing.

Thus, the ratification of the Job Creation Law has a positive impact, especially for MSME players who also take sides with them, not only that, even the current Job Creation Law can also accommodate the aspirations of the community, especially MSME actors so that it can be perfected which will have an impact on MSME development as well .

)* The author is a contributor to the Indomedia Gala Institute

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