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IKN Nusantara Opportunity to Develop Regional Culture


By : Arzan Malik Narendra )*

The development of the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago is not only an effort to relocate the capital city, the construction of this IKN will of course affect the existence of traditional buildings in Kalimantan by the presence of infrastructure development for the new capital city which is predicted to absorb many new functions and architectural design demands.

Therefore, encouragement is needed so that the regional architecture which has unique cultural arts is still present as a representation of the ethnic people of Kalimantan which consists of many tribes including the Kutai, Paser, Dayak, Berau, Banjar, Javanese, Bugis, Makasar and Madurese, displayed in a variety of ways. style that enriches the architecture of IKN Nusantara.

Chairman of the East Kalimantan Association of Indonesian Architects (IAI Kaltim), Wahyullah B. Ombang said, the presence of IKN in Kalimantan opened opportunities for architects in East Kalimantan and its surroundings to advance local architecture in meeting new needs and modernization.

The beauty of typical Kalimantan buildings certainly spurs young architects to develop their new works whose designs are still rooted in local ethnic culture and character. The transfer of this culture-based design was carried out by architect Vergian Septiandy, whose works adorn many buildings in Kalimantan. The presence of IKN Nusantara is an opportunity that must be utilized, one of which is to display the identity of the native people of Kalimantan.

Anxiety about the local culture that will be eroded by the modernization of infrastructure around the new capital city has aroused senior Architect Prof. Josef Prijotomo from Parahyangan Unika to strengthen the minds of young architects and development actors in carrying out their profession.

It should be noted that East Kalimantan has many noble and respected things, both physically and non-physically. Among them are cultural values, historical sites and other assets.

Teaching staff at Mulawarman University Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Dr. Jamil said that Kalimantan’s cultural wealth should not be lost. This heritage must be maintained because it is Kalimantan’s cultural wealth.

He added that the people of East Kalimantan have a strong relationship with their natural surroundings. Therefore, the presence of the National Capital City Authority (OIKN) of the Archipelago with its future policies must still pay attention to environmental aspects.

Of course, OIKN must communicate intensely with the people in the buffer zones and its surroundings because only they really understand the regional situation in East Kalimantan.

Meanwhile, UINSI Academics and Founder of the Life Skills School, Suryadi, S.Ag, M.Pd said that the transfer of IKN to East Kalimantan was very good and young people must prepare themselves to take part in and be involved or actively participate in IKN Nusantara. IKN will also be an opportunity to develop regional culture in East Kalimantan. The concept of developing IKN Nusantara into smart and modern cities will inspire progress in development in the regions.

Indonesia is an archipelagic country which is also known as Nusantara. Of course there are many different cultures from Sabang to Merauke. So that the culture of the archipelago must be properly preserved. Moreover, the culture of the archipelago has also become a magnet for tourists.

Therefore, by making East Kalimantan as the location for the Nusantara National Science Institute, of course, modernity in the province must not be lost, so that the identity of Kalimantan must still appear as a form of appreciation and respect for ancestors.

This cultural heritage from the past can of course be a bridge to understand life at that time and also to know the noble values ​​of the ancestors. With the vast IKN Nusantara area, the government can include local cultural interests or local wisdom, one of which is the development of the Dayak Center.

After all, the development of the Nusantara National Institute of Science must still pay attention to the wishes of the local community and then accommodate it in an integrated development. With the Dayak Center at IKN Nusantara, of course this is a concrete manifestation of the government to introduce Dayak culture to the archipelago and abroad.

The Dayak tribe itself is one of the tribes on the island of Borneo which is an indigenous people who have inhabited the island since ancient times. A Dayak figure, Kayan once explained that the Dayak tribe is an Indo-Chinese race who migrated to Indonesia in the 11th century.

The characteristics of the Dayak tribe can be seen from the cultural results that can still be observed today. These cultural forms include houses, clothing, weapons, languages, beliefs and traditions.

The development of the Nusantara National Institute of Science is of course not just infrastructure development and relocation of administrative cities. But this development is of course a new civilization that will be created by the current generation.

IKN Nusantara will be an example for other provinces where modern concepts will not fade the inherent culture and identity. IKN Nusantara will continue to uphold the local culture so that the identity of East Kalimantan will continue to exist and can continue to develop.

)* The author is a contributor to the Siber Nusa Institute

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