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Irrelevant Demonstration, Health Bill Maximum Protects Workers and Health Workers


By: Ratih Safira Utami )*

The plan for a demonstration action to be carried out by a handful of professional organizations in the medical world on the upcoming 14 June 2023 is actually an action that is completely irrelevant. This is because the Health Bill is very maximal to protect workers and also health workers.

It is known that a handful of professional organizations (OP) in the health world are still dissatisfied and are trying to reject the Omnibus Law Draft (RUU) on Health. The refusal was carried out by holding a national strike or leave of service.

Meanwhile, Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), Irma Suryani Chaniago stated that all health professional organizations (Nakes) as well as medical personnel should absolutely not commit and not participate in any action that actually creates provocation. against the existence of this Bill on Health.

The reason is, actually all the accusations and erroneous assumptions that have been blowing up from irresponsible parties and continuing to fry issues regarding this rule are clearly not true. One of them is the assumption that precisely with the existence of the Health Bill, it will weaken medical and health workers.

So far, various points of discussion on the Health Bill are still being discussed, which is precisely for the sake of being able to maximize protection for all the interests of various parties, including the interests of the health workers themselves.

Therefore, professional organizations in the world of health should be able to see the many points of the regulation as a whole and in its entirety so that there are no more misunderstandings which are then ridden by certain parties by increasingly bringing up issues that are actually wrong.

How could it not be, it turns out that a number of statements that have been continuously conveyed by parties who claim to object to the existence of the Omnibus Law Health Bill are of course because they do not know at all what the points, contents and important substances in the regulation are in a complete and comprehensive manner.

Usually, these parties are the ones who are too easily provoked and easily provoked, moreover, they only get bits and pieces of information, then rush to conclusions and take action.

Of course this is not a wise choice or step that should be taken, moreover certainly all health workers are educated people, which they should not do such things, namely only get partial information but immediately rush to conclusions. by taking actions that actually get more and more potential provocations.

Because, if for example these parties were able to read and fully understand all the points and substances contained in the Health Bill, then of course they would not take rash actions, let alone threaten to hold a demonstration on the upcoming 14 June 2023.

Moreover, when for example demonstrations are actually carried out and the health workers actually take leave of service, then the parties affected will certainly become wider, especially from the community itself who really want to do treatment or really need medical care.

Precisely with the existence of the Omnibus Law Health Bill, it is already very capable of continuing to provide protection to the public and also to paramedics in Indonesia.

The existence of this regulation will further clarify the functions and roles of health workers in working to encourage them to maximize health services to the people in the country, including that these regulations are able to protect the health workers themselves from issues that call for capitalization and liberalization of health. .

It is undeniable that the existence of the Health Bill in the future will further clarify governance, protection and will also be able to further improve the welfare of health workers. Not only that, but in the regulations which are currently still being discussed by the DPR RI and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, it also further maximizes the protection for professional organizations (OP) in the world of health.

The position of having a set of rules in the world of health is very clear, namely that it will further enhance protection, then also seek to further improve welfare and be able to further increase the competence of members of professional organizations.

Protection for workers and also for health workers in the medical world can be maximized when compared to before. This is expected by many parties, including the health workers themselves and also the DPR RI to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, discussions are currently being carried out regarding the Health Bill. So that with efforts to further maximize legal protection, the plan to hold a demonstration action which will be held on June 14 2023 is completely irrelevant.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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