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President Jokowi Affirms Papua is Safe, Development Continues


By : Alvaro Hukubun )*

The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) emphasized that all conditions and situations in Papua are all safe and under control and full of conduciveness. In fact, many activities there can be carried out very smoothly so that the development that has been planned by the Government can continue without any significant obstacles.

In a series of occurrences of a case or phenomenon, of course it is usually not possible to have only one perspective in it, not only that a case can only be assessed negatively or positively. This is the case with all issues or news relating to Cenderawasih Earth.

Regarding how to respond to an issue and news that is widely circulating from various sources, whether it’s from the mass media or from social media and other digital spaces on the internet, the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated that overall the situation and conditions in Papua are relatively safe.

Therefore, because in fact the overall situation and conditions contained in the easternmost province in the country can be said to be safe, so according to the Head of State, there should not be any party who then exaggerates too much if there is a negative issue that is not good on Paradise Earth.

He appealed to all elements of society to be much more mature when addressing any matter, so that they don’t always and only see things from only one perspective. According to President Jokowi, it is better to address the many issues regarding Papua in the media, not to be caught and seen only from the negative side.

To be able to instill a very strong and evenly distributed optimism shared by all people in Indonesia, one should indeed be able to see things from the positive side. Because, if someone is able to perceive a phenomenon from a positive side, then what arises are positive feelings, emotions and energy as well so that it will also lead to a positive action as well.

Furthermore, when giving this appeal, President Jokowi also added that there are actually a lot of positive things in Papua, which in fact maybe all of this is still rarely exposed and not many people know about it widely because it could be covered up by the abundance of news about only negative issues. .

It can be seen that Earth of Cenderawasih has many talented young generations who will continue the nation, they have extraordinary talents and potential. What’s more, if the public knows about it and is able to continue to support it, then it is not impossible that all the young talents on Cenderawasih Earth will be able to continue to develop and participate in making the nation’s name proud even on the international stage.

The Head of State also gave a very high appreciation to the young people in Cenderawasih Earth, especially those who are active and work in the creative industry sector. According to him, the talents and creative talents possessed by young people in Papua are in no way inferior to other youths in the country.

Not half-hearted, even President Joko Widodo emphasized that 99% (percent) the conditions and situation in the Land of Papua are absolutely no problem. In fact, he emphasized that in the farthest province in the archipelago, the conditions and situation were under control.

Of course, until now how the situation can continue to be safe and under control and full of conduciveness cannot be denied at all thanks to the role played by all security forces who always guard the situation in Papua. even in all places on Earth Cenderawasih until now it is still safe.

So because of the security and situation that is full of conduciveness, it is not surprising that there is a Papua Street Carnival event which is also attended directly by President Jokowi. Then the whole series of events also took place smoothly and with success, there were absolutely no problems.

There was also a moment when President Jokowi and his entire entourage had dinner at a restaurant, which according to him there was absolutely no problem at all and showed that the situation was very under control. For this reason, the public is advised not to exaggerate negative issues even more because such things will be detrimental to Papua itself.

Because the situation and conditions in Cenderawasih Earth as a whole show high security and conduciveness, the development that has been planned by the Government of Indonesia to try to create equity continues to run well.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Jakarta 

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