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People Power Actions and Labor Demos Disturb People’s Interests, Must Be Rejected


Observers state that the existence of a mass movement entitled people power has the potential to hamper efforts and national strategic interests being promoted by the Government of Indonesia to continue accelerating development and national economic growth.

There is a plan regarding a large action by a number of masses entitled people power which is planned to be carried out on the 10th of August 2023. Of course, this could lead the Indonesian nation into the abyss of chaos which has absolutely no end.

Director of the Lentara Research Institute (LRI), DR. David Nordfolk considers that the existence of people power actions carried out by a number of masses has absolutely no basis and any clear reason. Not only that, but it is clear that when this agenda is carried out, it will also be very clear that it will be able to threaten and damage the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and also the implementation of other national strategic interest agendas that have been initiated by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

Furthermore, even though this country is actually a country that upholds the principles of democracy in the implementation of its government so that freedom of association has been guaranteed, nevertheless mass actions such as the people power movement must remain in accordance with legal and moral corridors.

It is indeed very important that all elements of society in Indonesia know and apply it regarding how to convey aspirations or opinions but still comply with the legal and moral corridors that apply in this country. This is because it turns out that many of the narratives echoed by mass groups that support the existence of the people power movement actually use narratives that are very divisive and will damage the integrity of the nation and the principles of democracy itself.

Of course, if it still happens and is disseminated to the public freely regarding narratives that are very provocative and also agitative, this will have many other bad effects and must be stopped immediately in order to re-establish national unity.

On the other hand, there is also a research conducted by the Taiwan-Indonesia Trade Analysis (TITA), represented by Tulus J Maha, which reveals that the existence of mass people power movements will only disrupt efforts to accelerate national economic growth being intensified by the government. Because it will only create political upheaval that really doesn’t need to happen at all and will only harm the national economic factors.

Because, with the discourse on people power which also indicates a strong occurrence of treason because it contradicts the constitutional mandate regarding the position of President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), of course it will only continue to disturb the stability of the country which has actually been going very well, including also disrupting trade stability to the point where national economy.

From the community’s point of view, actually until now there are still many parties who are experiencing a number of problems, especially when they are faced with a social and economic situation that is now completely uncertain as a result of global economic uncertainty since the crisis and inflation to stagflation in the world at the beginning of the year 2023 ago.

So in fact, if the people themselves are currently faced with this difficult situation, but coupled with a number of actions that are completely unclear and do not have a positive beneficial impact on the people, then this should not be done at all.

On another occasion, the People’s Funnel activist, Hasan asked that the labor groups who are members of the Million Workers Action Alliance (AASB) not be easily provoked so that they can be used by a group of people and elites who will become stowaways with the intention of impeaching the current President. this is still legal and protected by the state constitution, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) through the people power movement.

This was conveyed because in fact there had actually been a similar movement before but it was still considered to be not massive, so that a certain group of elites deliberately rode on the movement of workers who did have a large mass of people to exercise people power.

The people power movement which will be held at a number of points in Jakarta on August 10 2023 has also been indicated by the Action Coalition to Save Indonesia (KAMI) with the potential for vulnerability if left unchecked, of course it will become very large. So that the entire security apparatus should not be caught off guard by this issue and move quickly to quell it so that the commotion in this country does not escalate.

If, for example, the commotion is left alone and continues to grow in Indonesia, of course it will also be very troublesome and hinder the efforts of the Government of Indonesia in relation to national strategic interests.

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