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Shoot 3 Civilians to Death, Papuan People Support KST Eradication


KST Papua shot 3 civilians firmly, all elements of the nation should fully support taking firm and measured action and using a comprehensive approach from the security forces to be able to eradicate this separatist group.

KSTPapua again carried out its heinous series, namely by attacking residents in Nduga, Highlands Papua Province. As a result of the shooting incident, as many as 3 (three) civilians died. However, that was not all, but it turned out that from the incident that occurred in Kampung Yasoma, Jalan Batas Batu Kenyam, 2 (two) of the victims were State Civil Servants (ASN) of Nduga Regency.

Regarding the attack by the separatist group on Bumi Cenderawasih in the form of shootings, the Head of the Nduga Resort Police (Kapolres), Police Commissioner (Kompol) Visensius Jimmy Parapaga explained that the bodies of the victims who died were already in Kenyam.

Furthermore, it turns out that the atrocities and savagery committed by KST Papua were not just shooting, but they also abused the victims until they suffered injuries on their bodies, which incident started when the truck the victims were traveling on was set on fire. the separatist group on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 yesterday.

Hearing of this incident, security forces from joint personnel consisting of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) immediately evacuated the three victims on Thursday morning at around 00:04 Eastern Indonesian Time (WIT). and immediately took them to the Kenyam Community Health Center (Puskesmas).

Meanwhile, Head of Public Relations of the Papua Regional Police (Kabid Humas Polda), Police Commissioner (Kombes Pol) Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo revealed that the incident started with reports from 3 (three) civilians moving from Batas Batu to Kota Get it. Their departure was in the afternoon, but it turned out that they had not arrived until late at night.

Immediately learning about the report, the security forces from the joint ranks immediately moved quickly to the crime scene (TKP), and the officers later found that 3 (three) victims who were civilians were already dead.

The Nduga Police Chief continued that the current situation and conditions in Kenyam City were reportedly still in a conducive state. Of course, the conduciveness of the situation cannot be separated from the swift steps taken by the security forces.

Even though it was already conducive, he emphasized that until now the security forces from the joint TNI and Polri personnel remained on alert status 1 (one) to be able to anticipate, for example, the possibility of further actions and other criminal acts being committed by KST Papua.

With the shooting incident, he immediately declared to all his staff to further maintain the security and order situation in society (kamtibmas), especially in Kenyam City and was fully committed to thoroughly investigating the case and bringing the perpetrators to justice. Please note that the investigation into this case is still ongoing in order to reveal the background and motives of the perpetrators.

On another occasion, Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI), Bambang Soseatyo, also continued to highlight the existence of KST Papua. According to him, the existence of the separatist group is still a problem related to resistance in the country.

For him, of course, with the problems that are still being caused by the separatist gang on Earth of Cenderawasih, it must be resolved as soon as possible. The main thing is that the settlement efforts are comprehensive. So indeed the right thing to do is to take decisive and measured action from the security forces, but that alone is not enough.

If you only use firm and measurable actions, then the root of the problem will not be fully resolved. But what is also important to do is to put forward a cultural and welfare approach for the entire indigenous Papuan community (OAP).

In a similar vein, this was also stated by the Chairman of Commission I of the House of Representatives (DPR RI) Meutya Hafid who emphasized that the acts of violence that have been carried out by KST Papua are indeed very appropriate to be addressed very firmly using an even more comprehensive approach.

It is undeniable that actions that are very firm and measurable using a comprehensive approach must also be supported by all elements of society in Indonesia so that similar incidents do not recur and are carried out by KST Papua. They must be held accountable for their actions and punished fairly.

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