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The Government is Serious about Improving the Quality of ASN to Fill Papua’s New Autonomous Region


President Jokowi’s administration has a strong commitment and extraordinary seriousness in order to further improve the quality of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) to fill regional expansion through the New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua.

On various occasions, President Jokowi continues to emphasize changes in the work patterns and mindset of ASN. Of course, this is a very important thing to do considering that there has also been a change in the global trend which is now filled with uncertainty.

With conditions full of uncertainties in the world, namely VUCA ( volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity ) and BANI ( Brittle, Anxiety, Non-Linear and Incomprehensible ), at the same time automatically demand ASN as public servants to be able to develop their capacities and competencies.

This is also no exception for ASN who are in Bumi Cenderawasih. Regarding efforts to develop the capacity and competency of these ASNs, the Deputy for Research and Innovation for the Management of the State Civil Apparatus of the State Administrative Agency (LAN), Agus Sudrajat explained that in 2022 the Government has officially established a number of regional expansions in Papua through the establishment of new autonomous regions .

Then, with the expansion of the area that occurred in the Land of Papua it is also hoped that it will bring public services closer that are becoming increasingly quality for all people in Cenderawasih Earth. In addition, the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 24 of 2023 concerning plans to accelerate the development of Papua from 2022 to 2041 shows the seriousness that the Government has under President Jokowi’s leadership to continue to build the people of Cenderawasih Earth.

One of the agendas to further develop the region and also the community in Indonesia’s easternmost province is carried out by the Government by improving the quality of ASN and also how the governance is there.

Furthermore, discussing how concrete steps are being taken in an effort to improve the quality of ASN, especially in Papua, the Internship Program is implemented.

The existence of an internship program that has also been implemented by LAN has actually existed since 2022 and now the program is increasingly being refined to be able to meet the internship needs for ASN Provincial Government in Papua, especially in order to improve governance there.

Several important aspects in the context of continuing to seek to improve governance are by carrying out regional development planning, regional financial management, procurement of government goods and services as well as accountability and also the Government Internal Control System (SPIP).

For some improvements to the internship program itself, it is carried out by selecting prospective apprentice participants to find out the commitment and interest possessed by the prospective participants. Then there is also the involvement of superiors as mentors as well as instruments and the strong commitment possessed by the sending regional government (Pemda) to carry out monitoring and evaluation after the program is implemented so that it will further ensure its benefits and also be able to contribute even more to the people of the Land of Papua.

Expectations are very high through the existence of an apprenticeship program conducted for ASN in Papua, of course, so that they can have more insight into the perspective, way of thinking, and how ASN work, including the bureaucratic cultural apparatus from various government agencies and other apprentice partners.

Meanwhile, the Acting Regional Secretary (Sekda) of West Papua Province Dance Sangkek appreciated LAN for providing various opportunities for ASN in the Provincial Government in Papua to be able to carry out the internship program.

For him, the existence of activities in the form of apprenticeship programs by ASNs in Bumi Cenderawasih is certainly a very strategic effort in order to further realize a strong joint commitment in carrying out bureaucratic reform and also much better governance in the future.

Optimism is also very strong in welcoming the apprenticeship program implemented because it is clearly considered to be able to have a very positive impact on increasing the capacity of apparatus in Papua so that it can have an impact on improving public services and also the quality of life in the people of Cenderawasih Earth.

In order to fill the regional expansion carried out by the Government through the formation of new autonomous regions in Papua, President Jokowi is indeed very serious in his commitment to be able to further improve the quality of ASN so that they can provide even more optimal public services.

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