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Indonesia Successfully Holds the 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta


Jakarta – Indonesia has successfully held the 43rd ASEAN Summit 2023 in Jakarta. Unlike the 42nd Summit in Labuan Bajo last May, the 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta was attended by leaders of member countries of regional organizations as well as heads of state/government from ASEAN partner countries.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said the series of conferences for leaders of ASEAN countries ran smoothly. Apart from that, the conference also produced a number of good recommendations.

In his closing speech at the 43rd ASEAN Summit, President Joko Widodo said that the ASEAN Summit, which had been held for three days at the Jakarta JCC, had produced 90 agreement documents and several other agreements with partners.

“During these three days 12 summit meetings have been held and produced 90 outcome documents and a number of concrete agreements with partners,” said Jokowi at the closing of the 43rd ASEAN Summit activities at the JCC Jakarta, Thursday (7/9/2023).

During the 43rd ASEAN Summit meeting, Jokowi felt optimism in achieving common interests to create a peaceful, stable and prosperous region.

“During the meeting I captured optimism and positive energy from all those present, I can honestly say that this strengthened hope, this strengthened the spirit to continue the struggle to create a peaceful region, a stable region and a prosperous region,” he said.

President Joko Widodo also invited all ASEAN countries to be a driving force in creating world peace and inclusiveness. ASEAN has a significant role in promoting peace, stability and cooperation.

By building key foundations like these, ASEAN is contributing to efforts to maintain peace and promote sustainable development. According to Jokowi, this is something that the ASEAN leadership wants to emphasize to create ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth.

“Let’s strengthen the Indo-Pacific region as a theater of peace and inclusiveness. “This is the key foundation that will lead ASEAN to a better future for the people and for the world,” he said.

“This is the essence that was built by the Indonesian chairmanship to make ASEAN Matters the Epicentrum of Growth,” continued Jokowi

President Joko Widodo emphasized that various problems in the world are increasingly complex. President Joko Widodo continues to invite all ASEAN members to be able to continue working together in creating prosperity and peace.

Therefore, ASEAN members have agreed not to become proxies for any power and continue to be a neutral region in establishing cooperation in creating peace.

“But our task is not finished. ASEAN’s great work cannot be completed in one chairmanship alone, we will continue to face the dynamics and complexity of global challenges. For that, we must work hand in hand to navigate challenges into opportunities, navigate rivalries into collaborations, navigate exclusivity into inclusivity, and navigate differences into unity,” he said.

As Chair of ASEAN, Jokowi invited all ASEAN countries to be able to face challenges, be responsive to dynamics and continue to play a central role in the region.

“Let’s continue to strengthen collaboration and cooperation for a peaceful and prosperous ASEAN and make the world a better place for all,” he said.

In closing the 43rd ASEAN Summit, President Joko Widodo also symbolically handed over the chairmanship of ASEAN to Laos. The Prime Minister of Laos, Sonexay Siphandone congratulated Indonesia on its success as ASEAN chairman in 2023.

“Congratulations to President Joko Widodo on the success of the 43rd ASEAN Summit,”

Indonesia’s success in holding the chairmanship of the 43rd ASEAN Summit is an initial step in continuing to make the region a center of growth or Epicentrum of Growth and making ASEAN continue to be relevant or ASEAN Matter.

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