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MSG Closes Doors to ULMWP and Benny Wenda


Jakarta – The separatist organization United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), does not receive recognition from the international community, including from the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG). The MSG countries continue to recognize Indonesia’s sovereignty over Papua and have firmly closed the door on the ULMWP.

Observer of Strategic Issues, Prof. Imron Cotan, in a National Webinar Discussion held by the Moya Institute, said that the MSG could not accept the UMLWP because it was not a political entity of a sovereign state, stating that a sovereign state could only be recognized if it had a sovereign government, had a territory, a people and was able to establish international relations with other countries. .

“ULMWP does not fulfill all these requirements at all,” said Prof. Imron, Friday (22/9).

Imron explained that Indonesia’s achievements at the MSG Summit were very good.

“Most cases of human rights violations were carried out by KSTP, not by security forces, and also social conflicts between Papuans,” he said.

According to Imron, Benny Wenda and ULMWP do not represent the people of Papua.

“At last year’s UN session, one of the youth leaders from Benny Wenda village actually raised the Red and White flag in New York that the Republic of Indonesia included Papua,” said Imron.

Another resource person, Chairman of the Papua Deliberative Body, Willem Frans Ansanai, said that as a son of the Papua region, he was confident that the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia would remain intact.

The Papuan people, said Willem, are very enthusiastic about developing Papua after the formation of the New Autonomous Region (DOB).

“Benny Wenda will experience difficulties, because after the DOB received Jokowi’s approval and was running well, the Papuan people were enthusiastic about developing Papua,” said Wilem.

He also emphasized that the resolution of the Papua problem was clear, both from a historical perspective and international recognition, especially since Papua is currently making good progress, so Benny Wenda’s work has no impact on Papua within the Republic of Indonesia.

Willem also expressed his appreciation to President Jokowi for granting autonomy and establishing a new autonomous region in Papua and believes that at next year’s MSG Summit session in Fiji the MSG will still reject the ULMWP application.

“Because Papuans are not part of the ULMWP,” stressed Willem.

Previously, the Director General of Asia Pacific and Africa at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu), Abdul Kadir Jailani, in his Twitter account @akjailani, said that the MSG had rejected the request of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) to become a member.

For your information, the leaders of the MSG countries refused to allow ULMWP to participate in the Summit in Vanuatu. Melanesian leaders consider the ULMWP’s efforts to be a series of actions by pro-independence activists in Papua, led by Benny Wenda, to join the MSG.

In the Webinar with the theme “Benny Wenda’s Efforts Failed at the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Summit”, Padjadjaran University International Relations Expert Prof. Dr. Teuku Razasyah, Observer of Strategic Issues Prof. Imron Cotan, Chairman of the Papua Deliberative Body Willem Frans Ansanai and Reform Politician Mahfudz Siddiq. [-ed]

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