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Thanks to Apkam, Papuan people are no longer afraid of KST


The Papuan Separatist Terrorist Group (KSTP) is a separatist group that has caused the Papuan people to become increasingly miserable. However, due to the support and protection provided by the Government through the Security Forces, people now do not have excessive fear. Meanwhile, the Papuan people need to work together with various parties to support the efforts of the Government and Security Forces in cracking down on these groups, so that peace can always be maintained in the Papua region.

The Papuan people have the right to a safe and peaceful life without interference from the Separatist Group. The government certainly needs to guarantee security for the Papuan people from all threats from KST Papua. It is known that KST has run out of ways to threaten society. This is because many KST members were caught, along with evidence and other weapons.

Masduki Baidlowi as Spokesperson for the Vice President said that the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma’ruf Amin, had asked Law Enforcement Officials to continue to protect the Papuan people from various KST anarchist actions. KST really wants the Papuan people to be filled with unrest, they carry out murders and spread threats and discomfort. So Ma’ruf Amin wants the Papuan people to work together well.

According to Masduki, Ma’ruf Amin has expressly asked the Security Forces to take legal action against KST because of its various crimes which have disturbed the community and disrupted development efforts in Papua. Apart from that, Ma’ruf Amin also emphasized that a territorially based humanist approach should continue to be applied to overcome security problems in Papua.

Ma’ruf wants the territorial approach from the top of the Kodam to the Koramil level to continue to be implemented by all parties, both the TNI-Polri and the Civil Government in Papua. This approach will of course make the Papuan people feel safe with the presence of the TNI-Polri who are committed to maintaining peace in Papua.

Security in Papua really needs to be maintained. One of Indonesia’s preventive steps is collaboration between the TNI and the Regency Government in Tambrauw. to anticipate the unexpected. The Tambrauw Regency Government collaborates with the Tambrauw Police and Kodim 1810/Tambrauw to maintain security in every area of ​​Tambrauw.

Moreover, the area of ​​Tambrauw Regency is very large, so it requires collaboration with patrol teams to increase the sense of security among the community after the arrest of 19 KSTP members. This prompted the Police to deploy 75 personnel. Plus every police station in the Tambrauw area and the TNI for routine patrols in every district and village.

These routine patrols aim to provide a sense of security to the community, as well as an effort to ensure that the community and all development activities in the Tambrauw area can run safely and normally as they should. Meanwhile, the Papuan people also expressed their appreciation for all the efforts made by the Indonesian Government and the combined security forces to protect the Papuan people.

Recently, a joint TNI and Polri team arrested a member of this terrorist group. During the arrest, the team also confiscated three homemade firearms in the Bintuni Bay area, West Papua Province.

Head of Information for Kogabwilhan III Colonel Czi. Ign. Suriastawa said he had arrested a KST member with the initials MI. MI was arrested after a shooting occurred at the Regional Pamtas Task Force Post Yonif 407/PK in the Aroba Teluk Bintuni District sector, West Papua Province. The shooting did not cause any casualties to either soldiers or civilians.

After carrying out a sweep and arresting the KST member, it was discovered that MI was registered as a KST member who served as operations staff. There is an identity card he is carrying, issued since 2001.

Suriastawa added, from the report from the Commander of the Yonif 407/PK Task Force, Lt. Col. Inf. Hermawan Setya Budi said that the arrest occurred after members carried out a search following the shooting. After this incident, soldiers were ordered to be on standby and carry out perimeter patrols around the post.

KST has left a bad mark on the Papuan people, they have killed civilians and also damaged public facilities in Papua, even though the Papuan people really need these public facilities, such as health centers, houses and schools. Of course, what KST has done clearly violates human rights, but it is not easy to repay all the actions of KSTP which has committed various atrocities and troubles.

Of course, there needs to be a special strategy that is carefully designed so that when eradicating KST it does not involve civilians. This strategy was implemented so that not many civilians were injured. Security for the Papuan people certainly needs to be fought for, because after all the Papuan people have the right to a safe life without threats from KST or from groups that want to divide the Republic of Indonesia.

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