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The role of AIS Forum as a center for smart and innovative solutions to marine problems


JAKARTA – Ahead of the opening of the Archipelagic and Island States Forum 2023 (Summit AIS 2023) in Bali, a number of preparations have been made by various related agencies to face the international event.

Assistant Deputy of Maritime Zone and Border Areas of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment (Kemenko Marves), Sora Lokita, said the target of the Summit for the forum is as a forum for aspirations and hopes that prioritize the interests of the people in the country itself.

“One of the main targets is Leaders Declaration containing the hopes of the country’s leaders, how this forum will continue to develop into an international organization that can help the benefit of the population in the island and islands, as well as improve and improve various programs that have been carried out by Ais forum, “said Sora Lokita, in Jakarta.

Meanwhile, Director General of Public Information and Communication of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Ministry of Communication and Information), Usman Kansong explained, the Summit AIS Forum will be attended by a number of high -ranking member states and representatives of the world organization.

“This trust has no meaning and meaning if it is not conveyed to the public by media friends. We really hope that friends can double the implementation of AIS so that the community can better understand it, “he said.

Related to security, Tribrata Agung Public Relations Kasatgas Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan said the National Police deployed 4,083 personnel, consisting of 1,863 personnel of the National Police Headquarters and 2,220 Bali Police personnel to secure the operation during the AIS Summit in Bali.

“This operation was held starting from 8-13 October 2023, at the place of the AIS Summit by promoting premective and preventive activities supported Jakarta.

In different places, the Regional Office of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Anggiat Napitupulu said that his party was ready to support the smooth process of immigration at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport. For delegates at the level of ministers, heads of government or head of state, their arrival will be processed through space in the VIP building.

“There are two booths (booths) who will carry out these special tasks and the booth is guarded by eight officers or four officers each for two booths. The most crucial task is when arriving at the delegation at the international arrival terminal, “he said. [*]

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