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Summit AIS 2023 benefits Indonesian fishermen


BADUNG – The implementation of the Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Summit which took place on October 11, 2023 in Bali is believed to provide benefits to fishermen.

Related to this, Senior Advisor for Climate and Environmental Governance, AIS Program Manager, Abdul Wahib Situmorang (Ucok) said, traditional fishermen now can no longer rely on natural instructions, because there are climate changes. Then the instructions of nature must be combined with scientific instructions.

“Well, one of the things that is encouraged through this forum is to encourage as many scientific technology as possible that can be used by our traditional fishermen,” Ucok said

Furthermore, Ucok explained that in Indonesia there was already a Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) which routinely conveyed information about the weather, which is very important for fishermen to know before catching fish into the sea. However, it was not enough. Other supporting technology is needed to provide information to fishermen where the right location to run fish in the sea and others.

“Important events that our fishermen need to know, about the technology that can be used by our fishermen to know where the fish are, what type, how many volumes are, there are technology today,” he said.

According to him, the use of technology is expected to save time fishermen in catching fish in the sea.

“Those are some of the benefits that can be felt directly by us, through this AIS forum because the tagline is to encourage as many innovations as possible as much as possible to overcome the challenges of optimizing the potential of the existing marine economy,” he said.

In addition, said Ucok, this forum has also initiated the experiences of various countries that have successfully implemented technology to help fishermen catch fish.

“AIS Forum facilitates the exchange of expertise information, we can bring in experts and also the community that are proven to other countries that can be implemented to our country, people to people, approach is more effective than the government that comes,” he concluded.

While the Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment Ayodhia G. L. Kalake, revealed that the meeting would discuss the implementation of the blue economy, adaptation and mitigation of climate change, marine waste included in the prevention of marine pollution, as well as maritime and maritime affairs.

Interestingly, Illegal Fishing will also be discussed in Summit AIS 2023. Nevertheless, he emphasized that the discussion was actually not focused on illegal fishing, but rather to safe fishing.

“But this is our concern together how we make sustainable fishing. We hope all of them together shoulder to handle the challenges and threats to the sea,” Ayodhi said


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