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Acceleration of Development is a Momentum to Improve Papua’s Welfare


Accelerating development is the mission of President Jokowi’s government in order to advance Papua. With acceleration, equitable development can be achieved well. Don’t let there be differences in progress between western and eastern Indonesia. Development is not only centered in Java-centric areas, but is also carried out from Sabang to Merauke.

To speed up the Papua development process, the government ratified Presidential Decree number 24 of 2023, on April 17 2023. This Presidential Decree stipulates that the acceleration of Papua’s development is carried out in the short term (1 year), medium (5 years) and long term.

In Presidential Decree number 24 of 2023, it is also stated that the acceleration of Papua’s development will be carried out in the form of transportation infrastructure projects, electrical energy, clean water, telecommunications and environmental sanitation. Then, the source of development funds comes from APBN, APBD and Special Autonomy funds.

With the Presidential Decree, it shows that the government is really serious about accelerating Papua’s development. The Presidential Decree is a strong legal basis and cannot be replaced. So, whoever the president is, he can’t just change it.
President Jokowi loves Papua and wants the people of Bumi Cendrawasih to progress further, one way is by accelerating development. He ratified the Presidential Decree so that development in Papua will continue even after 2024 (when he is no longer in office).

Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin said, in order to support the acceleration of development in Papua, his party instructed Ministers/Heads of Institutions to prepare and implement strategic steps in accordance with their authority to accelerate the development of government facilities and infrastructure in the 4 new autonomous regions. This must be done by effectively utilizing the Exposure Agenda to ensure readiness criteria, land development, and implementation of procurement of goods and services. Apart from that, identification of data regarding supporting infrastructure needs, such as raw water, electricity and telecommunications networks, waste disposal facilities, and energy must also be carried out. The Vice President also instructed the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas and related Ministries/Institutions to provide assistance to the Regional Government in the planning and implementation process of praspem development.

Deputy V for Security and Human Rights at the Presidential Staff Office, Jaleswari Pramodhawardani, said that the commitment of President Jokowi’s government had laid down two models of approach in efforts to develop Papua. The first is the infrastructure approach, and the second is the human resources approach. It is hoped that these two approaches will become the basis for sustainable development on Bumi Cendawasih. He hopes that the regional government in Papua will follow up on the foundation that has been built by continuing to get closer and building a two-way communication pattern with communities spread throughout all corners of Bumi Cendrawasih.

The infrastructure approach is carried out from the most basic things, from education to health services. Therefore, since the beginning of the first to second terms of President Jokowi’s administration with Vice President Ma’ruf Amin, the commitment to bring social justice to all Indonesian people, including in Papua and West Papua, has been maintained. This commitment is not just rhetoric, but he presented it through a Presidential Instruction (Inpres) to accelerate the welfare development of Papua and West Papua, so it is not just a commitment to visit there 15 times, but through the issuance of regulations that support it.

On the other hand, good infrastructure is sustainable for the welfare of the people. If the road infrastructure is good, the economy will run smoothly, because merchandise delivery will be faster. Moreover, Papua’s geographical conditions are still difficult and there are not as many roads as in Java. If there are many roads, connections between districts and regencies will be easier and sales of sago and other agricultural products will be faster.
Equitable development must be carried out because it is not only Jayapura, Merauke or Wamena that are getting a touch of modernization. But it also reached Yahukimo and other areas in Papua. Development must be carried out to remote areas so that people feel the benefits.
Infrastructure created in the context of equitable development is not just roads and bridges. But also electricity, internet networks and various other facilities. Society will progress in various fields because it gets support from the government, and Papuans will no longer be identified with a life that is still traditional and outdated.

To advance Papua, apart from accelerating development, we can also expand the region. If there are new provinces there will be mass development which will have a positive impact on society, and they will be more developed. Papuans can enjoy good roads, bridges, internet networks and various other infrastructure.

The government is accelerating Papua’s development by ratifying a Presidential Decree, so that there is a strong legal basis. After that there was massive development, especially in the infrastructure sector. People in Bumi Cendrawasih will be able to pass the Trans Papua road and other roads, which will facilitate their economy. Infrastructure is the key to regional progress, including in Papua.

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