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Appreciation of Security Forces Controlling KST Headquarters


The efforts of security personnel who succeeded in occupying two headquarters of the Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) at once need to receive widespread appreciation from the public. Apart from showing cross-institutional synergy, this success shows the strong commitment of security personnel in eradicating KST.

For quite a long time, KST has become a serious threat to Yahukimo, creating tension and anxiety among local residents. However, recently, the firm actions of the joint TNI-Polri apparatus in the Cartenz Peace Operations Task Force have produced positive results that should be appreciated.

Cartenz’s Head of Peace Operations, Kombespol Faizal Ramadhani, explained that the law enforcement operation which began on October 30 finally reached its peak on Saturday, November 4, when two KST headquarters in Kali Ei and Kali Brasa were successfully controlled by security forces.

This operation is the result of the hard work and commitment of security forces who are struggling to overcome the threat of terrorism in Yahukimo.

In this operation, the terrorist group led by Elkius Kobak was successfully destroyed, although a number of KST members managed to escape. This action strengthens the state’s presence and confirms that the terrorist threat will not be allowed to grow without decisive action from the security forces.

However, apart from successfully controlling two KST headquarters, security forces also succeeded in confiscating a number of pieces of evidence that were crucial in proving the illegal activities of this terrorist group. The evidence that was secured included air rifles, HT communications equipment, sharp weapons, solar cells, six generators and a number of bottles of medicine. These items are clear evidence of the KST group’s activities which are disturbing the local community.

Regarding the confiscated medicines, Police Commissioner Faizal Ramadhani explained that the items were suspected to have been stolen when KST abused health workers at the Amuma Community Health Center some time ago. This cruel action only strengthens the security forces’ reasons for eradicating KST and maintaining the security of Yahukimo residents.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Cartenz Peace Operations Public Relations Task Force, AKBP Bayu Suseno, stated that this operation did not run without problems. Because both KST headquarters are in difficult-to-reach locations, not all evidence could be brought.

Therefore, security officials decided to destroy some evidence along with the base, so that it would not fall into the hands of other terrorist groups. This decision is a strategic step that shows firmness in dealing with terrorist threats.

The process of pursuing KST is still continuing, and the security forces in the Cartenz Peace Task Force remain committed to detecting and taking action against other KST. Head of the Task Force, Kombespol Ardiansyah Daulay, emphasized that the operation against the two KST headquarters was part of the state’s efforts to maintain security and order in Yahukimo.

This is an action that needs to be appreciated, because through this action, the state shows its existence and ensures that the people of Yahukimo can live in a safe and peaceful environment.

The success of the security forces in controlling the two KST headquarters is clear evidence of their commitment and dedication in maintaining peace and welfare of the community. However, this effort is not only the responsibility of the security forces alone.

The people of Yahukimo also have an important role in maintaining security and order in their environment. The public must always be alert and ready to play an active role in supporting the security forces by providing useful information in efforts to prevent and take action against the threat of terrorism.

In a situation like this, we must give appreciation to the security forces who have fought hard for the security of Yahukimo. They have shown extraordinary dedication in keeping the region safe and protecting the public from terrorist threats. However, we must also always be alert and ready to play an active role in maintaining security and order in our environment.

We hope that Yahukimo will continue to develop as a safe and peaceful area, where people can live without fear of terrorist threats. The security forces’ success in controlling two KST headquarters is a first step that needs to be appreciated, and we must continue to support their efforts to maintain security and order in Yahukimo.

With strong cooperation between security forces and the community, we can achieve this goal and make Yahukimo a safe, peaceful and prosperous area.

In facing terrorist threats, we all must unite and work together to maintain security and order in Yahukimo. Only through joint efforts between security forces, government and society, can we create a Yahukimo that is free from terrorist threats and a safe place for all its citizens.

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