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Demographic Bonus and Superior Human Resources Main Assets to Grow the National Economy


Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world, and has great economic potential to grow rapidly in the next few decades. In order to move towards a Golden Indonesia 2045, Indonesia must make maximum use of every asset it has. One of the most important and valuable assets is the demographic bonus that the Indonesian nation has, as well as quality and potential human resources (HR).

Indonesia’s strategic territory, located between the continents of Asia and Australia and between the Indian and Pacific Oceans, provides advantages in international trade and supports its status as an agricultural country, with abundant natural resource potential. However, a number of challenges still need to be overcome to achieve the vision of a Golden Indonesia 2045, including increasing the level of education and productivity of human resources, climate change which affects crop yields, and global stability.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto, said that in an effort to achieve the vision of Golden Indonesia 2045 as a “Sovereign, Advanced and Sustainable Archipelago,” the Government underlined four main pillars, namely human development and mastery of science and technology, sustainable economic development, equitable development. , as well as strengthening national resilience and government governance. Apart from that, Indonesia makes wise use of its strengths, including a population that is the fourth largest in the world after China, India and the United States, as well as demographic bonus opportunities that need to be optimized.

The government also mobilizes and maximizes three economic engines to continue to function sustainably in order to realize prosperity and welfare of society. First, revitalization and increasing the capacity of conventional economic machines are carried out to increase high productivity. This can support HR optimization which is part of the Demographic Bonus. Revitalizing this economic engine involves increasing new investment and exports, which in turn can provide job opportunities for the younger generation. 

Second, it is necessary to grow a new economic engine that utilizes technology, such as the application of digital applications and artificial intelligence. This can help improve the quality of Indonesian human resources in facing the digital era, as well as create new jobs in line with technological developments. 

Third, perfecting the Pancasila economic engine that is just by increasing community participation, especially in terms of education and training to capture emerging economic opportunities, as well as providing social assistance and empowering SMEs which can help reduce economic inequality and overcome poverty. These steps are expected to optimize the potential demographic bonus and strengthen Indonesia’s human resources in facing global economic challenges.

West Kalimantan Regional Office of the Directorate General of State Assets of the Ministry of Finance (DJKN), Edward Nainggolan, said that the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development of Developed Countries (OECD) predicts that Indonesia’s economy will become the fourth largest in the world in 2045, supported by a demographic bonus in the 2030-2040 period.

The demographic bonus, which is a big advantage for Indonesia if managed well, can also be a disaster if the quality of human resources is not prepared well. To optimize this potential, it is necessary to increase nationalism, quality of human resources, infrastructure development and economic transformation. All components, including the government, business world, educational institutions and society, must work together and be committed to making Indonesia advanced.

The importance of improving the quality of human resources is reflected in the focus of the APBN since 2019 which is earmarked for human resource development. Education is expected to be able to produce human resources who have nationalism, integrity and high technological skills. Apart from that, infrastructure development is also the key to encouraging economic growth, with good infrastructure being able to increase productivity and open up regional isolation.

Economic transformation is also important in achieving Advanced Indonesia 2045. By strengthening priority economic sectors, utilizing information technology, and improving creative industries, Indonesia can create high and sustainable economic growth. However, to achieve all this, good and consistent policy planning and implementation is very important.

National leaders must have a strong commitment to implementing the Advanced Indonesia 2045 plan, and hard work, intelligence and togetherness of all components of the nation are the main keys in achieving this goal. Advanced Indonesia 2045 is not just a hope, but a real and sustainable reality for all Indonesian people.

In order to optimize the demographic bonus and HR assets, the Indonesian government needs to involve the community through public participation. Inclusive workplaces, gender equality and the protection of human rights must be priorities in economic development. Winning assets by utilizing the demographic bonus and developing quality human resources is an important step in shaping Indonesia’s bright economic future. In an effort to achieve a Golden Indonesia 2045, this country must involve all stakeholders and implement sustainable policies to create an environment that supports inclusive and sustainable economic growth. With hard work and solid cooperation, Indonesia has the potential to achieve glorious economic glory by 2045.

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