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Appreciating the Courage and Dedication of Security Forces in Handling the KST Movement in Papua


Papua, a region rich in natural beauty, is often in the spotlight for the conflicts that occur within it. One of the intense conflicts that is causing concern is the Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) movement in Papua. However, behind the dark shadows, there is a light of courage and dedication that we should appreciate from the security forces on duty in the area.
In recent years, the KST movement in Papua has become a major concern for the government and wider society. Their often violent actions, including attacks on security forces and civilians, have caused fear and worry among the Papuan people. However, amidst the pressure and challenges they face, the security forces continue to show courage and firmness in handling the KST movement.
One clear example of the bravery of the security forces is their efforts to thwart various acts of violence carried out by KST. With the risk of life always lurking, TNI soldiers and police officers continue to struggle to maintain peace and security for the people of Papua. Through military operations and other security operations, the security forces succeeded in uncovering and stopping various terror plans designed by KST.
Not only that, security forces are also active in establishing communication and cooperation with local communities. They take a persuasive approach and build trust with the community, so they can obtain important information that helps in identifying and dealing with KST members. Collaboration between security forces and the community is key in fighting the KST movement, and we should appreciate this effort.
On Monday, February 26 2024, news about the security forces’ efforts to thwart separatist terror acts in Papua emerged again. Through various official reports received, we can see how the security forces, especially the Ayata Post Patrol Team, Yonif 133/Yudha Sakti (YS) Task Force, succeeded in preventing acts of terror from the West Papua National Liberation Army Terrorist Separatist Group (KST TPNPB) in the Maybrat Regency area. , West Papua.
Not just once, but for three consecutive days, the terror attempt by KST TPNPB against the Puskesmas construction project in Ayata Village, Middle East Aifat District, Maybrat Regency, continued. At its peak, on Thursday, February 22 2024, a firefight occurred between the Ayata Post Patrol Team, Yonif 133/YS Task Force and KST TPNPB around the location of the Puskesmas construction project.

Talking about this success, Lieutenant Colonel Inf Andhika Ganessakti, Dansatgas Yonif 133/YS, explained that thanks to the patrol carried out, three members of the KST TPNPB were successfully driven away and fled into the forest. The chronology of the incident began when two project workers, Ansar (43) and Faan Umpain (35), reported a suspicious individual around the project site. The follow-up to this report was a patrol carried out by the Ayata Post Perimeter Patrol Team, Yonif 133/YS Task Force.
As a result, the team succeeded in detecting three KST TPNPB people carrying long-barreled weapons and machetes, who were monitoring the activities of project workers. This terror act was quickly thwarted by the patrol team, preventing the possibility of greater losses.
Appreciation must also be given to the soldiers and police officers who selflessly maintain the security and safety of the Papuan people. They left their families and loved ones behind, facing danger and risk every day, solely to protect the people and this region from the threat of KST. Their continuous dedication should be an example for all of us, that with unity and courage, we can overcome the various challenges we face.
On the other hand, efforts to eradicate Papuan KST must be supported by all parties. Executive Secretary for Justice and Peace of the Indonesian Catholic Bishops’ Conference (KWI) RD. Marthin Jenaru said that the Catholic Church was ready to facilitate efforts to deal with KST, one of which was the release of Susi Air pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens. According to him, Philip’s hostage-taking has become a common concern. He considered that hostage-taking was a form of limiting the right to life of every human being.
In the midst of complex challenges, firm action against KST Papua is a necessary and urgent step. This is not only about enforcing the law, but also about giving hope to the Papuan people to live in peace and prosperity.As a peaceful and prosperous society, we all have a responsibility to support the efforts of the security forces in maintaining the sovereignty and security of the country, including in dealing with the KST movement in Papua. Let us unite and stand behind these unsung heroes, giving them the support and appreciation they deserve, and praying for their safety in every step they take. In this way, we can together build a Papua that is safe, peaceful and prosperous for future generations.

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