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Papuan People Appreciate the Sustainability of National Development


Papua has great potential in terms of natural resources and cultural riches which have currently become the main focus of development by the Indonesian government. This is an effort to equalize welfare and equality in service facilities. In an effort to achieve sustainable development, the active role of the Papuan people is very important.
Papuan people have a deep understanding of the importance of the environment and conservation of natural resources. They continue to support the government’s efforts to maintain environmental sustainability, including through participation in programs planned by the government to improve infrastructure in the Papua region.
The West Papua Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) and the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas held a Focus Discussion Group (FGD) to prepare the Initial Plan for the Action Plan for the Acceleration of Development for Papua 2025-2029. The Main Secretary of Bappenas, Himawan Hariyoga Djojokusumo, said that the direction of the FGD was towards the policy of Healthy Papua, Smart Papua and Productive Papua.
Apart from that, the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Development of Special Autonomy for Papua (BP3OKP) Representative of West Papua Province said that the Central Government is very concerned about realizing the development program for the welfare of indigenous Papuans.
West Papua BP3OKP member Irene Manibuy said concrete steps had been formulated to strengthen key sectors including local economic development, infrastructure, education and health. The preparation of the initial draft of the action plan to accelerate Papua’s development, which is held every five years, must involve traditional leaders, community leaders, women’s leaders and religious leaders.
The involvement of these figures is considered to be very effective in responding to the needs of the indigenous Papuan community to be accommodated through the formulation of programs and activities to accelerate the development of the Land of Papua. Community participation is very necessary so that the implementation of the action plan can unravel the inequality problems that have occurred so far.
The government has made various efforts to increase the involvement and participation of the Papuan people in the development process, allowing the community to contribute to decision making related to local development.
In addition, education and health are at the center of attention, so that the accessibility and quality of services in these two sectors continues to increase. greater commitment from the government and all stakeholders to continue to strengthen community participation in development. This includes increasing investment in education, training and community empowerment, as well as ensuring that the voices of the Papuan people are heard and accommodated at every stage of development.
Regarding this, Cendrawasih University (Uncen) is ready to produce quality and capable human resources (HR) to help development in every region in Papua, especially in Southwest Papua. Chair of the Master of Management Study Program at Cendrawasih University (Uncen) Ferdinan Risamasu explained that regional development related to optimizing its natural potential cannot be separated from qualified human resources.
Community capacity development is an important aspect in supporting active participation in development. The government organizes various training and education programs to improve the skills and knowledge of the Papuan people in various fields.
Wamena Community Leader, Yusen Tabuni, said that all elements of society should support development in the Papua Mountain Province so that an increase in Human Resources (HR) and equitable prosperity can be achieved. Of course, don’t be easily incited by provocative issues that can cause conflict, disturb security and divide community unity. Let’s empower Special Autonomy (Otsus) programs for the progress and welfare of the people in Jayawijaya Regency
By fully supporting government programs as a form of concern and participation in the trust of the Central government which has developed the Papua Mountain Province, it is best as good citizens to participate in accelerating development in all fields.
Development in Papua is a complex challenge and requires joint efforts from the government, society and the private sector. Although there are still many challenges that need to be overcome, concrete steps have been taken to support development in Papua. With continued commitment and an inclusive approach, hopes for a better future for Papua can be realized.
The Papuan people provide vital support for the sustainability of development carried out by the government. Through active participation in environmental programs, sustainable management of natural resources, and involvement in the development process, they become important partners in achieving sustainable development goals.

Community support in monitoring and enforcing environmental laws also helps preserve Papua’s environment. Through collaboration between the government and society, hopes for a brighter and more sustainable future for Papua can be realized.
The active participation of the Papuan people is a key factor in supporting sustainable development in the region. Through their contribution to environmental conservation, natural resource management, participation in planning and implementation of development projects, local economic empowerment, as well as monitoring and enforcing environmental laws, the Papuan people have proven their commitment to achieving sustainable development. With continued support from the government and other stakeholders, hopes for a better future for Papua as a sustainable region can be realized.

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