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Maintain a Conducive Public Security and Security Situation Welcoming the Constitutional Court’s Election Dispute Decision


By: Miya Dewi*)

All elements of the nation are obliged to mutually maintain a conducive security and social security situation in welcoming the decision on General Election disputes at the Constitutional Court (MK) for the good and future of the country.

Of course, when welcoming the results of the trial decision regarding a dispute related to the democratic party and political contestation in the 2024 Election at the Constitutional Court (MK), conducive public security and order (kamtibmas) is an obligation so that there is no longer any friction between parties.

The reason is, the judges at the Constitutional Court themselves have done their best and as much as possible for the good of this nation. All the General Election dispute decisions they issue are based on very objective observations and assessments.

Former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK), Jimly Asshiddiqie assessed that the momentum of the celebration of Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijriah could enable all parties to accept the decision well and there would no longer be continuous tension after the presidential election.

Because with good momentum like now, it should be able to reduce tensions after the presidential election. It would be better for all elements of society to be able to restore trust in each other.

All parties should be able to accept whatever the Constitutional Court’s decision is regarding the dispute over the results of the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) and be able to move from this tense situation to re-upholding conducive social security and order and embracing each other again.

Moreover, with the decision from the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) some time ago which dismissed Anwar Usman from his position as Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, in fact it was able to make the situation even better regarding election disputes.

The reason is, if for example Anwar Usman still occupies the highest position in the Constitutional institution, it is possible that no party will want to file a dispute over the Presidential Election.

Furthermore, with the current atmosphere of Idul Fitri 1445 Hijriah, the whole community should be able to use this momentum to carry out reconciliation and consolidation.

Meanwhile, former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) Hamdan Zoelva also commented on how the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) results dispute proceeding which took place at the Judiciary institution.

According to him, the Constitutional Court of Justice has shown a critical attitude in opening and exploring all evidence of alleged fraud. Therefore, he really appreciated the panel of judges, who he considered to be extraordinary.

Then, Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI), Bambang Soesatyo also said that reconciliation was the right moment after the Constitutional Court (MK) read out the decision of the trial regarding the results of the 2024 Presidential Election.

Don’t let it happen that in the future there will still be political friction because what this nation needs most is mutual cooperation and democracy that works well. All parties must be able to embrace each other to unite to build the nation in the future. With this mutual cooperation democracy, it has the consequence that each party must be able to embrace each other and build this nation together.

Maintaining a conducive security and social security situation is very important, according to the Deputy Chair of Commission

For a democratic country like Indonesia, conducive social security and social security is the basis of a safe and stable environment, especially when welcoming the results of election dispute trials at the Constitutional Court. Without social conflict, there will be a big impact on stability, including the economy.

It cannot be denied that maintaining a peaceful and stable and conducive security and social order is a responsibility that should be carried out together and not just be the responsibility of a few parties.

The public should be able to give full confidence to how election dispute trials at the Constitutional Court (MK) proceed in resolving all cases regarding vote counting.

On the other hand, the Acting Governor of the Special Capital Region (DKI) Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, continues to remind all residents to always keep the climate cool and conducive after the election.

Citizens must remain patient and wait for the outcome of the election dispute at the Constitutional Court while carrying out their daily duties as they should. Not only for citizens, but for all State Civil Apparatus (ASN) it is best to continue carrying out their duties in serving the community in accordance with their respective duties, principals and functions (tupoksi).

It is very important for the public to be able to understand that a democratic party such as the General Election, whatever and however the final result is, is the best for the nation.

The situation of security and order in society (kamtibmas) should be able to continue to be maintained by all parties, especially in welcoming the results of the General Election (Pemilu) dispute decision by the Constitutional Court (MK) for the sake of national stability and the future progress of the nation.

*) Indonesian Reading Stall

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