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Youth Participation is the Main Key to Papua’s Development


By: Loa Murib

Papua’s development is often identified with physical infrastructure, such as roads, bridges and public buildings. However, there is an aspect that is no less important and is often forgotten. In the context of moving towards a Golden Indonesia 2045, the role of Papuan youth is very vital. They are not only the beneficiaries of development, but also the main actors who can drive social and economic change in the region.

The Affirmation of Higher Education (ADiK) scholarship program initiated by the government is one of the initiatives aimed at developing human resources in Papua. This program provides Papuan children with the opportunity to receive higher education, opening the door for them to careers in various fields. Marani, a teacher and parent of an ADiK scholarship recipient, expressed how much impact this program had on her family. Their children not only get a decent education, but also the opportunity to compete in the world of work.

Higher education is a powerful tool for developing local potential. Papuan youth who receive ADiK scholarships not only gain academic knowledge, but also practical skills that can be applied in the local context. They can return to Papua with new insights and innovations that can be applied to overcome various problems faced by the local community.

Higher education is also a very important long-term investment. Through education, Papuan youth can develop the skills and knowledge necessary to contribute to the development of their region. Apart from that, education also increases critical awareness and analytical thinking skills, which are important elements in creating sustainable social change.

Apart from education, creativity and innovation also play an important role in Papua’s development. Dana Indonesiana, managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), is another program designed to support creative communities in Papua. The Indonesia Art Movement, a creative community of young Papuans, is one of the recipients of these funds. Through this support, they are able to develop various initiatives in the arts and culture sector, including training, production and distribution of works of art.

Ilham Murda, President of the Indonesian Art Movement, emphasized the importance of government support in advancing the creative community. With this support, Papuan youth can express their creativity and contribute to cultural development in their region. Creativity not only enriches local culture, but also creates new economic opportunities through creative industries.

The Chief Expert of Deputy V of the Presidential Staff Office, Theofransus Litaay, emphasized the importance of a holistic and integrative approach in Papua’s development. Development must not only focus on physical aspects, but must also include human development. Youth must be involved in every stage of development, from planning to implementation, so that they feel ownership and responsibility for the final results.

This holistic approach requires collaboration between the Central Government and Regional Governments. The programs that have been launched, such as the Papua PON, Youtefa Bridge, and the Indonesia-Papua New Guinea Border Crossing Post, must be balanced with efforts to develop human resources. In this way, physical and human development can go hand in hand, creating a strong synergy for the progress of Papua.

In the era of globalization, Papuan youth must be ready to face increasingly complex challenges. Globalization brings with it various opportunities and challenges, which require adequate mental readiness and skills. Youth’s active participation in development programs will prepare them to compete on the global stage. They must be equipped with the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to adapt to rapid change.

The KSP Listening program, which this time has the theme “10 Years of President Joko Widodo’s Government,” is an effort to listen to the impact of government programs from the perspective of society, including youth. Through this activity, the government can understand the needs and aspirations of Papuan youth, and adapt policies and programs that are more responsive to local conditions.

Youth participation is the main key in Papua’s development. They have great potential to become agents of change, either through education, creativity, or active involvement in the development process. Programs such as the ADiK scholarship and Dana Indonesiana are a good first step, but much more needs to be done to ensure that Papuan youth can contribute optimally.

A holistic approach that involves all parties, from the Central Government to Regional Governments, is very necessary to create sustainable and inclusive development. By providing greater space and opportunities for youth to get involved, we can ensure that Papua will develop not only physically, but also socially and economically, towards a Golden Indonesia 2045.

In the journey towards this grand vision, Papuan youth must be seen as a valuable asset that requires serious investment and attention. Their active participation is a guarantee that Papua’s development will proceed in accordance with the hopes and needs of local communities, creating a brighter future for all.

*The writer is a Papuan student in Surabaya

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