IKN development has a positive impact on the Indonesian economy and investment
The archipelago is the future capital of Indonesia which is planned to be inaugurated on August 17 2024, in conjunction with the celebration of the 79th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia. The National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago will replace Jakarta , which has been the capital since 1961. Located in East Kalimantan Province , IKN will be the center of government with an area of 2,560 square km. It is hoped that the policy of moving the capital city will have a positive impact on equalizing economic growth while improving the investment climate in Indonesia.
The move of IKN to East Kalimantan is not just a monumental step in the nation’s history or just a geographical change. This is a strategic step to realize the vision of a more prosperous, sustainable Indonesia and also marks a new era for Indonesia’s economic progress. IKN Nusantara is designed as a modern, smart and green city, which will become a magnet for the best talent and investment from all over the world. IKN Nusantara will become a new locomotive of economic growth for Indonesia and open the gates to a brighter economic future.
In realizing this vision, the role of the community is very important. The active role of the community in various aspects of the development of the Indonesian IKN will determine the success and success of the IKN as a symbol of the nation’s progress. The community is expected to maintain order and security in the IKN Nusantara area, so that the development process can run smoothly and conducively. The IKN Nusantara community, both natives and newcomers, must be friendly and open towards guests and visitors to IKN Nusantara. This will give a positive impression and help promote IKN Nusantara as a friendly and open city.
Chairman of the East Kalimantan Indonesian Entrepreneurs Association (Apindo), Slamet Brotosiswoyo welcomed the presence of IKN which has the potential to focus Kalimantan as a spotlight for investment. IKN development in East Kalimantan will become a locomotive for new economic growth outside Java. This will encourage equitable development and open up opportunities for regions outside Java to develop rapidly.
Meanwhile, the President of the National Dayak Traditional Council (MADN), Marthin Billa, expressed his support for IKN, and hopes that his party will also be involved and not just be a spectator. For the Dayak people, IKN is not just a center of government and this is an opportunity to realize a long-held dream, namely equitable development in Kalimantan. Local wisdom that has preserved forests and rivers for centuries must be maintained. The development of IKN Nusantara is a shared responsibility. With the active role and full participation of all elements of society, IKN Nusantara can be realized as a developed, prosperous and sustainable city, becoming the pride of the Indonesian nation.
Minister of BUMN, Erick Thohir stated that BUMN is ready to invest and support the development of IKN Nusantara. It is believed that IKN Nusantara will be a great opportunity for BUMN to develop new businesses. The development of IKN Nusantara is also expected to create new jobs for the community.
Various sectors are projected to experience a significant surge, including infrastructure development such as toll roads, airports and ports, as well as creating new jobs and encouraging economic growth in the construction and logistics sectors. IKN Nusantara is designed as a center for the creative industry, which will give birth to new opportunities for artists, designers and young entrepreneurs.
IKN will also become a center for technology development and innovation, attracting companies in the technology sector to invest and create innovative products. The natural beauty of East Kalimantan and the attractiveness of IKN Nusantara as a modern city will attract domestic and foreign tourists, encouraging growth in the tourism sector and creative economy. Balikpapan Youth Leader Oktovianus believes that IKN will become a center for technological development and innovation, attracting investment and opening up opportunities for the young generation to work.
IKN Nusantara offers various attractive incentives for investors, namely ease of licensing, one of which is that the business licensing process at IKN will be made easier and accelerated, so that investors can immediately start their business. Then there are tax incentives, namely the government provides attractive tax incentives for investors who invest in IKN, such as land and building tax income tax exemptions. Then, for access to funding, various funding programs are available that are easily accessible to investors who want to invest in IKN. By combining great economic potential with a commitment to sustainability, IKN will become an inspiring model city of the future for the whole world.
Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani stated that the government is committed to funding the development of IKN Nusantara carefully and accountably because it is believed that IKN Nusantara will become a new economic motor for Indonesia. The development of the Indonesian IKN is also expected to increase Indonesia’s competitiveness on the global stage.
The development of the Indonesian IKN is not solely the responsibility of the government, but also of all Indonesian people. With a spirit of mutual cooperation and optimism, let us together support and contribute to realizing IKN Nusantara as a gateway to a brighter and more sustainable future for Indonesia.