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Hundreds of Enthusiastic People, AMANAH Invites Together to Maintain Health and Strengthen the Ties of Brotherhood


ACEH  — Hundreds of enthusiastic people attended the event held by AMANAH, namely in order to invite them together to maintain health as a form of long-term investment and to further strengthen ties of brotherhood.

 The Youth Creative Hub Aceh (AYCH) or the Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great Building Center held a pound fit sports event at Bustanussalatin Park, Banda Aceh.

This event immediately became the center of public attention because it also collaborated with one of the well-known pound fit communities in Aceh, Megafit Outdoor.

This joint exercise activity immediately attracted very high enthusiasm from hundreds of local people, especially women from various groups such as young people to mothers.

One of the instructors in this activity, Lili Mulyawati, said that the AMANAH event was very positive because it made people enthusiastic about maintaining a healthy body.

“It’s very positive, because this event is a space for people who want to exercise, sport is to maintain the health of our bodies, especially the current generation of young people who are super active, definitely need a lot of exercise,” he said.

Likewise, another instructor at the same event, Pona Arista, hopes that the AMANAH event to encourage people to exercise will bring a lot of inspiration.

“Thank you AMANAH for holding the Pound Fit event with young Acehnese women and I hope AMANAH will always progress and be an inspiration for young Acehnese,” he exclaimed.

Siti Hamalatul Qoryati (22) as one of the participants admitted that she was very grateful and happy with the AMANAH activities.

“Thank you to AMANAH for organizing this Pound Fit event, what’s more, it’s free, bro, please do events like this often,” he said.

Furthermore, according to him, the Pound Fit event is not just a means for people to exercise more diligently, but also able to strengthen ties of brotherhood.

“This event is expected to have a positive impact in inspiring more people, especially women, to be active in maintaining their health and fitness,” said Siti.

For your information, not only is the Pound Fit exercise series energetic, but AMANAH also on the same occasion, provides various entertainment for the community.

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