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Training Employment Irrigation Canals: 26 Participants was declared Competent

Trainee Executor Field Irrigation Channels Work organized by the Ministry of public works and housing, Thursday (26/4/2016), 26 Participants was declared competent.
Trainee Executor Field Irrigation Channels Work organized by the Ministry of public works and housing, Thursday (26/4/2016), 26 Participants was declared competent.

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – The Ministry of Housing and public works staged training employment irrigation canals, Monday-Thursday (18-21/4/2016) in the Hall the Institute Guarantee the quality of education (LPMP) Kalteng.

This is due to an Era of Asean economic community (MEA) in order Central Kalimatan society increases the competence or skill (skill). As many as 26 participants declared pass and competent in the training.

Head of Construction and public works (PU) Kalteng Wiwik asserted, as a provider of construction services are already supposed to be pocketed certificate alias expert competence. “Smart in drawing or measure, must have the skill, in the world of construction service development continues to grow, it has increased, the competition is increasingly conspicuous, therefore protect with competence,” she said as quoted on kalteng.prokal.co.

According to her, it is not easy to get expert certification. However, if really work professionally; it is not difficult to obtain a certificate of expert or to be competent. Moreover, the condition of the infrastructure development of any kind, from day to day continues to increase.

“Need increase the ability and skill, because today is different from past and tomorrow, now full of competence era, do not stop studying,” said her.

Attending in the training, Akhmad Suwandi as acting Commitment Maker (PPK) irrigation canals, assess need for an expert’s certificate for the construction service providers.

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