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AMANAH Brings Many Valuable Experiences to the Young Generation for Future Careers


By: Khairul Hidayat

The Aceh Youth Creative Hub (AYCH) or Aneuk Muda Aceh Superior and Great Center Building (AMANAH) is able to provide a lot of very valuable experience for the entire young generation of the nation’s future, especially for their future careers. Because, soon Indonesia will experience a surge in the demographic bonus, which will make the youth workforce very large, so if they do not have previous experience, it will certainly be difficult to find work or organize their future careers.

On the other hand, if from as early as possible, the young generation has participated in many very positive activities, then they will have had very valuable experience as a preparation for later entering the world of careers. However, usually the problem continues to be how to equalize access to these valuable opportunities or experiences from a young age. Therefore, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) through the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) initiated AMANAH which is able to provide equal access to this valuable experience as a provision for the younger generation in their careers.

One of the very useful and positive activities of the institutional initiation program led by Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan is a visual art exhibition in collaboration with the Kanot Bu Community with the theme ‘Hope’. This theme was deliberately chosen for AMANAH’s activities because it is able to give very high hope and optimism to the young people of the region nicknamed Rencong Country for a brighter future for their region.

An exhibition judge from the Acehrakitan Art Laboratory, Iskandar bin Ishak, stated that he was very happy because he could take part in AMANAH’s activities. Not without reason, because according to him, the event was able to increase the self-confidence of young artists by providing a forum and platform to display their work. Thus, because AMANAH continues to provide many platforms and facilities to the young generation from various fields, including artists, it makes these young people have more confidence in their own abilities, talents and potential which may not have been exposed. .

The existence of this art exhibition clearly encourages the younger generation to increase their creativity and innovation, and can open up new career opportunities in the field of visual arts for the participants. Likewise, another judge from Kanot Bu, Idrus bin Harun, gave very high appreciation to AMANAH, which he said had created a platform, especially for the young generation of Aceh, so that they could express themselves.

Not only that, but this event is also able to further strengthen the arts community in the area nicknamed Veranda of Mecca by allowing artists to share ideas, experiences and future collaborations. The exhibition has provided a platform for expression for young people so that they can express their feelings and views through art, where having a space for expression is actually very important for their personal and social growth and development.

Ria Agustini (31), one of the participants and winners of the art exhibition, assessed that the event held by AMANAH had succeeded in inspiring the younger generation to get involved in art and culture. Apart from that, thanks to AMANAH’s positive activities, young people continue to increase their awareness in appreciating Aceh’s local values. In other words, there are many positive benefits that they can experience.

The existence of the Aneuk Muda Aceh Superior and Great Center Building clearly brings a breath of fresh air to the local youth, so that they can gain a lot of very useful experience, which will be important for preparing them for their future careers. The government is building the Aceh Youth Creative Hub (AYCH) or the Aneuk Muda Aceh Superior and Great Center Building (AMANAH) through BIN as the initiator to develop all the potential that exists in Rencong Country.

The reason is, Aceh actually has a lot of hidden potential, both in terms of Natural Resources (SDA) and Human Resources (HR), which will bring many benefits if it gets encouragement and qualified facilities for the progress of the region and the nation. Not just a physical building, AMANAH is a forum that is able to provide many very positive activities, so that young Acehnese are able to experience great experiences in their lives as preparation for their future careers.

All the potential and creativity of the young generation also continues to experience development in AMANAH’s education and guidance which provides various programs and facilities, so that it becomes a catalyst for progress in various sectors such as plantations, agriculture, fisheries, including technology, development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises ( MSMEs), to arts and sports.
AMANAH brings a lot of experience which is very valuable as learning material for the younger generation as a provision for them to pursue a career in the future.

*) Students of Islamic Economics and Business at the State Islamic Institute (IAIN)

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