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Public Housing Savings Aims to Improve the Nation’s Economy


Public Housing Savings (Tapera) is actually not a new policy, because its stipulation has been around since 2016. Tapera’s first legal umbrella is Law Number 24 of 2016 concerning Public Housing Savings. The issuance of Government Regulation (PP) Number 25 of 2020 is a complement to Law Number 24 of 2016, which was later changed to PP Number 21 of 2024.

Tapera is a government program that aims to help underprivileged Indonesian people have decent housing. The Tapera deduction is 3% of the worker’s salary. With details, 2.5% is borne by the worker, and 0.5% is borne by the employer. Meanwhile, for independent workers or freelancers , the 3% amount is fully borne by the worker. This program was created as a solution to overcome the serious housing deficit problem in Indonesia, especially among families with low incomes.

Tapera does not just provide funds to build houses, but is also the government’s effort to provide less fortunate people with access to a decent place to live. Through contributions from various parties, both government, private sector and individuals, this program tries to reach as many families in need as possible. This program is expected to improve people’s quality of life, reduce housing poverty, and encourage economic growth through the housing sector.

Former Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Jusuf Kalla supports the Tapera policy. According to him, Tapera helps underprivileged people or low-income people have houses at affordable prices. The government is reviving Tapera, so that people have homes.

In its implementation, Tapera involves participation from the government, private sector and society as a whole to achieve sustainable housing development goals. Government participation in the Tapera program is very important because the government has a major role in providing policies, regulations and budgets to support and run this program. Among other things, the Government issues policies and regulations that support the implementation of Tapera.

This includes regulations regarding fund management, terms and conditions for participants, as well as rules regarding the use of savings funds for purchasing or building housing. The government also plays a role in providing a budget to support Tapera’s operations, including managing savings funds, training for participants, and developing affordable housing infrastructure for the community. The government is also responsible for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of Tapera to ensure its effectiveness and sustainability.

Economic observer at the University of Indonesia, Fithra Faisal, said that the Tapera policy is a solution to the problem of people who do not have a home because of limited income. This policy will force workers with a contribution system to make it easier for them to get a house. From the positive side, according to him, the regulations set on May 20 2024 are considered capable of producing a double impact on the economy which includes job creation, use of production inputs, which also leads to a contribution to economic growth.

The Tapera program offers a number of significant benefits for the Indonesian people, some of the main advantages of this program are that Tapera provides people with low incomes access to more affordable housing financing than other options. This allows people to buy or build a house that suits their needs and financial capabilities. This program offers lower loan interest or interest subsidies, making housing financing more affordable for participants.

In this way, the financial burden of paying monthly installments becomes lighter. Having a decent house has a positive impact on people’s quality of life. People can live in a safer, healthier and more secure environment, increasing family stability and providing better access to public facilities such as education and health services. By owning their own home, people can focus more on developing their economic potential and can allocate more resources for other investments because they don’t need to spend a lot of money on rent or high installments.

The Tapera program also often provides support and guidance to participants, including assistance in the process of buying or building a house, education about financial management, as well as information about the rights and obligations as a home owner. Owning your own home also means having valuable assets and can increase long-term financial security. A house can be used as an investment for the future or passed on to the next generation.

Let’s support it together and take advantage of the Tapera program to build a better future for us and our families. The Tapera program is not just a savings account, but is a gateway to owning a livable home with various significant benefits. By joining the Tapera program, we can get access to more affordable housing finance, with low interest or even interest subsidies. This will help ease our financial burden in buying or building our dream home.

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