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Yanto Eluay: OPM deserves firm action because it has harmed and disturbed the Papuan people


Papua – Onfoafi, who is also the Papuan Traditional Leader, Yanto Eluay, said that the Free Papua Organization (OPM) deserves to be dealt with firmly by the security forces and eradicated at its roots so that it does not harm and disturb Papua due to the acts of violence they always commit.

This was conveyed by Ondoafi Yanto Eluay when asked by the media while in Jayapura Papua, Monday 19/8/2024.

According to Yanto Eluay, with the violent actions that are always carried out by the OPM, many Papuan children cannot go to school and the Papuan people are becoming restless because of the OPM’s heinous actions.

For this reason, Yanto Eluay and other traditional leaders in Papua are committed to maintaining peace.

“We continue to coordinate and communicate so that Papua continues to be realized, a conducive situation and a conducive security and social security situation are maintained,” he said.

Yanto Eluay asked OPM to no longer carry out acts of violence that even resulted in civilian casualties.

The acts of violence carried out by OPM have an impact on civil society, as I have said before, that the impact of these actions will be felt directly on society as a whole, mothers who have difficulty farming, building their economy is difficult, children who go to school, everything has an impact. “can’t go to school, everything is disrupted due to OPM’s violent actions,” explained Yanto Eluay.

“Therefore, let’s work together to keep the land of Papua peaceful, let us resolve the Papuan problem so that it doesn’t continue to be volatile, we can achieve a safe and peaceful land for Papua,” said Ondoafi Yanto Eluay.

We must create a Papua that is conducive, peaceful, with harmonious community life, comfort so that our activities can run well, he hoped.

“Let us provide support to the TNI POLRI in order to enforce the law against whoever is the perpetrator who commits acts of violence, acts of circularity which result in loss of life,” he concluded.

There have been many previous incidents where infrastructure, facilities, schools, offices, government which are always used to serve the community were damaged. The schools used for our children to study, to build human resources for the Papuan people were destroyed by the OPM, they regret it.

Let us work together, firmly support all efforts made by the government in terms of the TNI POLRI in enforcing the law against anyone or everyone involved in acts of violence, brutal actions, which result in or disturb the community, especially in conflict areas, especially our people in mountainous areas, he said.

It is important to continue trying to find a comprehensive solution so that we can solve the Papua problem. “We can find a solution so that the land of Papua can achieve a sense of peace, creating a conducive security and social security situation, which is safe and peaceful,” he concluded.

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