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AMANAH Aceh Helps Javanese Gampong Children Find Interests and Abilities


By : Vina Gunawan )*

The existence of the Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great (AMANAH) program is important for improving the competence and skills of young Acehnese. This program certainly shapes the interests and talents of young people in Veranda of Mecca, thereby making them the next generation of a superior and competitive nation because they have high competitive abilities on the national and global levels.

Children in Gampong Jawa, Banda Aceh are very enthusiastic about participating in the education and literacy activities carried out by AMANAH. This activity has the theme “Thrive and Shine with AMANAH” to motivate young people to develop their interests and talents. A series of activities carried out took the form of IQ tests, interest accuracy tests, mini seminars with the aim of providing education about career planning, and planning future steps for children in Gampong Jawa.

A psychologist who took part in this activity, Firsta Faizah, said that his party and the team opened a series of activities by conducting Intellectual Intelligence (IQ) tests on young Acehnese with the aim of measuring their cognitive abilities and finding out their true interests. From the IQ test, the team of psychologists will explore the interests of the participants and measure the extent to which they can explore themselves.

Furthermore, Firsta Faizah said that the results of the IQ test could be used as a reference for planning their future according to their respective abilities. Firsta also hopes that this test can help young Acehnese to become aware of their career opportunities according to their needs and abilities.

Around 100 young people from underprivileged families often take part in these educational activities at the Smart Children’s Education Park created by a group of concerned residents. This place is increasingly attracting the interest of young people thanks to support from AMANAH. Apart from that, AMANAH has also distributed hundreds of books from the Banda Aceh Archives Library Service and Gramedia Pustaka Utama. The publication of this book was in collaboration with AMANAH which involved visual artists who won runners-up in the visual art competition that had been held previously.

Acehnese youth are able to become the next generation of an increasingly developed and independent nation if they become part of the AMANAH program. The reason is, in the AMANAH program under the guidance of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), young people will receive a lot of education to improve their skills and abilities so that they are better prepared to become superior individuals.


It cannot be denied that the future of this nation is in the hands of the young generation, where they must have great abilities and capabilities in order to be able to bring this nation forward. In this way, young people must have a high fighting spirit, creative power, creativity and innovation, as well as high idealism.

Not only that, young people also find it easier to adapt to changes in the uncertain dynamics of life. Of course, this makes it easier for them to learn and able to absorb all kinds of changes and progress that occur. So it is very appropriate that the young generation is one of the important pillars of upholding national and state life.

The independence and development of young people in Aceh also determines the nation’s progress. The AMANAH program will also be very beneficial for them because young people in Aceh will receive extraordinary provisions for life in the future. With all the characteristics and characteristics that every young person has, they should be able to play a role in creating and building the nation through their thoughts, ideas, creativity and innovation while continuing to uphold national values.

On the other hand, the Acting Regent of Nagan Raya Aceh, Fitriany Farhas, said that his party saw great potential in the AMANAH program which was targeted at the young generation in Aceh. This is because Aceh really needs young people who have good capacity and competence to take Aceh in a more advanced direction.

Fitriany Farhas assesses that young people are better able to develop their ideas full of creativity and innovation so that her party fully supports the presence of the AMANAH program which is really needed by Aceh to bring better progress, especially in terms of the development of its Human Resources (HR).

He hopes that the AMANAH program initiated by BIN is right on target, right on time, right for use and with the right people so that young people who have innovation, creativity and bright ideas can be accommodated so that they have a big impact on human resource development in Aceh.

In this way, this program can provide many benefits by providing various facilities to create superior Acehnese youth who can compete both at the national and international levels, because one of the coaching carried out in the AMANAH program is intended to be a forum for the young generation in Rencong Country. to continue to develop his personality to become the nation’s next generation who can advance Indonesia.

)* The author is a contributor to the Persada Institute

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