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President Jokowi’s administration continues to uphold the neutrality of civil servants to realize a fair and transparent 2024 regional election.


*) Wahyu Bima Prasetyo
As the 2024 regional elections approach, the importance of maintaining the neutrality of the Civil Servants (ASN) is coming under the spotlight. The neutrality of civil servants is not just about personal integrity, but rather a collective effort to ensure that the electoral process is conducted fairly, transparently, and free from the influence of specific political interests. The Jokowi administration continues to ensure the neutrality of civil servants as part of its commitment to realizing a fair and transparent 2024 regional election.
The Acting Secretary General of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Tomsi Tohir, emphasized that civil servants (ASN) who are proven to be non-neutral may face sanctions such as a demotion. Meanwhile, civil servants who are found to repeatedly violate neutrality will face even stricter penalties.
The role of civil servants in regional elections is very vital because they are the backbone of the bureaucracy directly involved in various government processes, including during election periods. Therefore, they must be free from any form of political intervention.
The Acting Secretary of the Palangka Raya City, Arbert Tombak, emphasized the importance of this matter. In his statement, he emphasized that his side continues to stress to civil servants through circular letters and socialization to remain neutral and not get involved in practical political activities.
This step is important to maintain the stability and smoothness of the democratic process, while also ensuring that civil servants carry out their duties professionally without being influenced by political interests.
The neutrality of civil servants is not just about adhering to formal rules, but also about maintaining public trust in the bureaucracy. The ASN must focus on its main duties and functions as a public servant.
When civil servants get involved in practical politics, especially if they take sides with a particular candidate, their integrity as public servants can be called into question. Situations like this not only tarnish the reputation of government institutions, but can also trigger public distrust in the election results.
In the context of regional elections, civil servants often find themselves in a very vulnerable position. They are often faced with the dilemma of carrying out their duties professionally or being influenced by political pressure. Therefore, various policies to ensure the neutrality of civil servants have been issued by the government.

In Palangka Raya, for example, circular letters have been routinely distributed to remind civil servants of the importance of keeping a distance from practical politics. This socialization also serves as a preventive measure to ensure that no civil servants get caught up in specific political interests.
Supervision and monitoring are also carried out rigorously. This is necessary to ensure that civil servants truly carry out their duties professionally and are not involved in politics. If there is evidence that civil servants are biased towards one of the candidates, strict sanctions will be imposed in accordance with the applicable regulations. This shows that the government is serious about maintaining the neutrality of civil servants for the smooth conduct of the 2024 regional elections.
In addition to Palangka Raya, the Biak Numfor Regency Government is also taking similar steps. The Head of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Biak Numfor Regency, Rolland S. Abidondifu, emphasized that civil servants and government employees with work agreements (PPPK) in his environment must maintain neutrality during the regional elections. It is important to create a political climate that is conducive and free from political intervention.
As citizens, civil servants and government contract employees still have the right to vote in regional elections. They can cast their votes on election day, but they are not allowed to engage in campaigning or openly support candidates.
Rolland emphasizes that ASN-PPPK who violate this rule will face strict sanctions. This is a form of the government’s commitment to maintaining the neutrality of civil servants, so that the democratic process can run smoothly.
The importance of ASN neutrality in Biak Numfor Regency is also supported by strict supervision. Every action that leans towards favoritism for a particular candidate will be monitored, and sanctions will be imposed if violations are proven.
In his statement, Rolland reminded civil servants and PPPK to remain focused on their main duties and functions, and not to get involved in practical politics. This aims to maintain professionalism and public trust in government institutions.
For civil servants, maintaining neutrality is not just about following the rules, but also about demonstrating professionalism. ASN involved in practical politics indirectly shows that they are unable to separate personal interests from state duties. This has the potential to lower the quality of public services that they should provide.
In addition, maintaining neutrality also means protecting civil servants from potential conflicts of interest that could damage both their personal reputation and the institution they work for. If civil servants are proven to be involved in practical politics, not only will they face sanctions, but the institutions they work for will also lose the trust of the public.
Therefore, maintaining the neutrality of civil servants is a collective effort to ensure that the 2024 regional elections are conducted fairly, transparently, and professionally. Upholding the neutrality of civil servants in the 2024 regional elections is one of the crucial efforts to ensure that the democratic process in Indonesia runs smoothly. The neutrality of civil servants is not just about compliance with regulations, but also about preserving public trust in the integrity of the bureaucracy and the government system.
By maintaining neutrality, civil servants contribute to creating a healthy, fair, and transparent democratic climate. We all hope that the 2024 regional elections can proceed smoothly, with the neutrality of civil servants as one of the main pillars supporting that success.

*) National Political Analysis – Indonesian Democracy Study Forum

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