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Digital Platforms Are Key to Success in Countering Hoaxes in the 2024 Regional Elections


By: Andi Ramli

The 2024 Pilkada, which involves simultaneous regional head elections in various regions of Indonesia, is predicted to be one of the biggest political events in the country. Amidst technological advances and digital developments, one of the biggest challenges in the Pilkada is not only about the campaign, but also the spread of hoaxes or fake news.

As the use of social media increases, the risk of spreading hoaxes that can damage the democratic order is also increasing. Therefore, synergy between the government and digital platforms is an important solution in countering misinformation and maintaining the quality of democracy in Indonesia.

The government, through the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemenkominfo), has prepared strategic steps to deal with the potential spread of hoaxes in the 2024 Pilkada. One of the keys is collaboration with various large digital platforms, such as YouTube, Facebook, and X (formerly Twitter).

This collaboration aims to ensure that information about regional head candidates and the progress of the regional elections is monitored directly and quickly by relevant parties.

Director General of Public Information and Communication (IKP) of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Prabu Revolusi, stated that this collaborative step is part of a comprehensive strategy to maintain the integrity of the Pilkada. The government will work with digital platforms to monitor information about regional head candidates.

If hoaxes or disinformation are found, the government is ready to take swift action. This effort is expected to effectively reduce the spread of false information and speed up the clarification process for false or misleading information.

Along with the development of technology, social media has become an important part of people’s daily lives. Information circulates very quickly, and this brings new challenges in maintaining the truth of information, especially ahead of major political events such as regional elections. This is where the role of digital platforms becomes very important.

The collaboration between the Ministry of Communication and Information and these digital platforms is not only a form of supervision, but also creates a system that is able to respond quickly to any threat of false information that can divide society.

One of the things emphasized by Prabu is the importance of creating a monitoring system integrated with a digital platform. This system will “tag” information related to regional head candidates.

This means that any information concerning regional leader candidates will be monitored directly by a special team. Thus, if there is an attempt to spread hoaxes or disinformation, quick action can be taken.

This step reflects how serious the government is in maintaining the quality of information circulating on social media. Not only to limit the spread of hoaxes, but also to encourage public awareness of the importance of digital literacy. The public is invited to be more careful in filtering information and not be easily provoked by news that is not necessarily true.

At the regional level, similar efforts are also made by the police to combat hoaxes. The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Pekanbaru Police, for example, took the initiative to collaborate with influencers and social media admins as the front line in combating issues that can divide society, especially those concerning issues of ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group (SARA).

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Pekanbaru Police, Commissioner Berry Juana Putra, emphasized that this collaboration is an important step in realizing a peaceful regional election.

Berry expressed his hope that social media admins and influencers can play an active role in helping prevent the spread of hoaxes, especially those that have the potential to divide society. With their support, the process of identifying and handling false information is expected to be faster and more effective.

The role of social media activists in countering hoaxes is very significant considering that they have direct access to thousands, even millions, of followers. The information they spread can quickly influence public opinion. Therefore, it is important for influencers and social media admins to ensure that the information they share has been verified as true.

Not only in Pekanbaru, but also in various other regions in Indonesia, the police and related institutions continue to strive to build synergy with social media activists. Through this collaboration, it is hoped that every information circulating in the community can be more controlled, especially those related to sensitive issues ahead of the Pilkada.

On the other hand, preventing hoaxes is not only about monitoring and enforcement, but also about education. The public needs to be equipped with good digital literacy skills so that they can be more careful in consuming information.

This is important considering that not everyone has the same awareness of the dangers of hoaxes. There are still many people who tend to believe information without further verification.

The 2024 Pilkada will be an important moment for the journey of democracy in Indonesia. Amidst the challenges of the increasingly widespread spread of hoaxes, synergy between the government, digital platforms, and social media activists is the key to success in maintaining the smooth and peaceful running of the Pilkada. This collaboration is not only to monitor and take action against hoaxes, but also to increase digital literacy among the public.

Through this effort, it is hoped that the 2024 Pilkada can run more safely and peacefully, free from the negative influence of hoaxes. The public is also expected to be wiser in consuming information and not easily provoked by fake news. Let’s work together to maintain a healthy and quality democracy by being smart and responsible internet users.

*) National Political Analyst – Indonesian Democracy Study Forum

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