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The Importance of Maintaining Unity and Oneness for the Interests of the Nation in the 2024 Regional Elections


By: Shenna Aprilya Zahra )*
The 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) are an important moment in Indonesia’s democratic journey, involving political participation at the regional level. In addition to electing leaders, this event also reflects the quality of the nation’s unity and maturity in democracy. With various social and political challenges that often arise during the contestation, maintaining the integrity of the nation through a fair, transparent, and dignified process is crucial. Support from various parties is needed so that this Pilkada runs safely, peacefully, and produces leaders who are able to bring progress to Indonesia.
Through the implementation of this local democratic party, all parties are expected to be able to prioritize attitudes that reflect togetherness, for the benefit of the nation as a whole. In this context, efforts to maintain the integrity of the nation are not only centered on the final results of the contestation, but also on a fair, transparent, and dignified process.
Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin emphasized the importance of neutrality in the implementation of the Regional Head Elections. This neutrality is expected to be implemented not only by the General Election Commission (KPU) and the Election Supervisory Body, but also by the security forces tasked with maintaining the security of the process.
If the organizers can act fairly and impartially, then the potential for division in society can be minimized. This firm stance is an integral part of maintaining stability and unity during the contest.
The Vice President highlighted that violations that may occur during this local democratic party must be dealt with immediately according to the rules. Consistent and impartial law enforcement, according to him, will prevent disappointment from various parties.
If violations are allowed to continue, it could trigger anger that could threaten unity. Therefore, he emphasized that all parties involved must uphold justice and firmness, so that this regional political contest can run without causing negative impacts on the nation.
Not only the organizers, Pilkada participants are also urged to compete in a polite manner and not spread hatred or hostility. The Vice President is of the opinion that victory obtained through good means will also provide good results for society.
Therefore, maintaining honorable methods during the contest is not only important for political stability, but also for national unity. All elements involved in this democratic party must ensure that the event takes place peacefully and produces leaders who are able to maintain the integrity of Indonesia.
In line with the Vice President’s view, the Minister of Communication and Information, Budi Arie Setiadi, emphasized that the dynamics surrounding the 2024 Pilkada need to be managed properly so as not to give rise to disinformation, slander, or even violence.
The government is committed to implementing applicable regulations so that the Pilkada runs democratically and peacefully. According to him, losses arising from false information or hate speech will not only damage unity, but also the public interest. Therefore, maintaining the truth of information and avoiding provocation are important steps in maintaining unity during this local political contestation.
Budi Arie also believes that through unity, all parties will feel the good results of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada. In his view, a society that is united and able to respond to political contestation with a cool head will create a conducive atmosphere, so that the elected leader can work optimally for the progress of the nation. The integrity of the nation must be a top priority that should not be disturbed by the momentary interests of groups or individuals.
From a legislative perspective, the Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, also voiced the importance of maintaining unity during the Simultaneous Pilkada. According to her, differences in political views or parties should not be used as an excuse to sacrifice the integrity of the nation.
The unity of Indonesia, which consists of various ethnicities, cultures, and political backgrounds, must continue to be maintained and cared for. Political events during the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections, both bitter and sweet, must be used as valuable lessons for all Indonesian people in strengthening the spirit of unity.
Furthermore, Puan Maharani emphasized that maintaining unity is not only important during local political contests, but also in efforts to realize a more advanced Indonesia.
Puan believes that mutual cooperation and joint work from all elements of the nation are needed to face various challenges ahead. Indonesia has proven capable of maintaining unity even though it is being squeezed by various problems, such as political and economic crises. This, according to her, is proof that Pancasila as the nation’s ideology plays a vital role in maintaining the integrity of Indonesia.
Puan reminded that unity must be maintained even though the political situation may be heating up. Historical experience shows that divisions in many countries often occur due to political crises that are not managed properly.
However, Indonesia with the spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and the ideology of Pancasila has succeeded in overcoming these challenges. Therefore, Puan invited all the nation’s children to continue to unite in facing the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections, so that this nation will be stronger and more competitive.
By maintaining unity and togetherness during the regional level democratic party, the Indonesian nation is expected to be able to undergo the democratic process safely, peacefully, and with dignity. This local political contestation event every 5 years is not just an election for a leader, but also a reflection of the quality of unity and democratic maturity of the Indonesian people.

)* The author is a contributor to the Nusantara Reading Room

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