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Coin for Australia from Palangka Raya

Coin: a number of activists from the Indonesian Moslem student action group (KAMMI) Palangka Raya made action to collect coin for Australia. It happened in big round, Palangka Raya, Central Borneo, Sunday (1/3/2015).
Coin: a number of activists from the Indonesian Moslem student action group (KAMMI) Palangka Raya made action to collect coin for Australia. It happened in big round, Palangka Raya, Central Borneo, Sunday (1/3/2015).

By : Fuad *)

The explicit statement from Prime Minister of Australia about fundraising for Aceh Tsunami accident got much protest from Indonesian citizen. Since arise the issue, a number of province in Indonesia make action to collect coin.

Also in Palangka Raya, Central Borneo, the student in Tambun Bungai also made action to collect coin.

A number of activists from the Indonesian Moslem student action group (KAMMI) Palangka Raya take their hard line. They also made action of collect coin in big round, Palangka Raya, Central Borneo, Sunday (1/3/2015).

Coordinator of action, Tri Handoko explained, this action has made because of insult from Prime Minister Australia. “The citizen must know and understand, Indonesia citizen has self esteem,” said Him to CIDISS.

According to Handoko, Australia as if will make intervention to our law. It related to his citizen that will get died penalty.

He said this action is unison on 1 May. It is instruction from Central Kammi. “It is appropriate from instruction Central Kammi to make action collect coin,” said him.

After that, coin will send to central Kammi and collect with other coin from various provinces in Indonesia.

*) The Author Is Kalimantan Regional Contributor

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