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Conflict In Yemen Made Indonesian Evacuated

Conflict In Yemen Made Indonesian Evacuated
Conflict In Yemen Made Indonesian Evacuated

By : Agus *)

According to the Foreign Ministry, the security situation in Yemen is unstable, particularly in outskirt of Western Yemen near the cities of Aden and Sana’a. Gun and rocket battles is decribing of conflict parties in that area.

Based on the data from Indonesian Foreign Ministry, 1,036 citizens devided into students and migrant workers was evacuated and arrived in Indonesia.

“On Saturday, 43 citizens evacuated from Yemen arrived in Indonesia. With these arrivals, the total number of Indonesian citizens evacuated from Yemen since December 2014 amounts to 1,036 people,” said the minister as quoted by Antara in a press statement in Jakarta on Saturday.

Last week, the Indonesian government dispatched an integrated team to Yemen and Salalah, Oman, to intensify the evacuation of Indonesian citizens trapped in Yemen by sending one Boeing 737-400 aircraft belonging to the Air Force and one aircraft chartered from Djibouti.

Those teams consist of 48 personnel; 19 Foreign Ministry officials, 21 Air Force personnel, seven National Police officers and three National Intelligence Agency (BIN) officials.

Ginda Hasibuan, Indonesian student who has been studying in University of Darul Ulum Asyaria describes sectarian conflict which has been happening in Yemen. He said, many rockets was launched nearby his university, and rapid gun fire shouted often.

On another side, Nusron Wahid, Leader of GP Ansor Indonesia said, Indonesia should not be involved by the conflict in Yemen. Moreover, he invoked that conflict not assosiated by Sunni and Shia.

*) The Author is Brunei Darussalam’s Contributor

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