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Number One is RI One


CIDISS. The 2019 presidential and vice presidential candidate pair has officially obtained No. Recruiting at KPU, No 1 was obtained by Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin for No. 2 obtained by Prabowo – Sandi. Responding to the draw, Jokowi’s incumbent candidate admitted that he was grateful to get number one, because the number indicated that the presidential election in 2019 would indeed compete for the Indonesian seat 1 “Alhamdulillah, Joko Widodo and KH Ma’ruf Amin got the number one. One, indeed the one contested is RI one, “said Jokowi after the draw of the serial number at the General Election Commission, Friday (09/21/2018).

Before taking the serial number, Ma’ruf Amin invited the audience who came inside the KPU Building to pray together, asking the Almighty that the 2019 Presidential Election run safely and peace.

The collection of No Sort that was done at the KPU office was done by taking the ball containing the numbers that had been provided by the KPU RI, initially, taking numbers was done by Ma’ruf Amin and Sandiaga Uno. “Establishing the KPU RI Decree on taking number of candidate pairs of president and vice president Joko Widodo and Ma’ruf Amin with serial number 1, and pair Prabowo Subianto – Sandiaga Uno in number 2,” said the head of the Indonesian KPU Arief Budiman.

Arief Budiman added that the presidential and vice presidential candidates who get number 1 will be written 01 in the upcoming April 17th  2019 Presidential ballot, as well as the number 2 will be written 02. The addition of this number is after an agreement between the two presidential and vice presidential candidates, adding numbers This is so that there is no doubt that simultaneous presidential election will be conducted with the legislative election, as is known, there is a PKB with serial number 1 and Gerindra party number 2, so as not to cause complexity, Prabowo and Jokowi agreed to add the number 0 in front of the serial number they will use it on the ballot. This decision was taken by Prabowo and Jokowi together in a very short time, which is less than one minute.

By: Rikky, S *)

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