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Ballot Applied Issues is Proven Hoax Toward The Election


By: Surya Aji) *

The issue of the ballot box whose ballots had been punched as many as seven containers continued to roll to the public until there was debate from various parties.

But the head of the KPU Arief Budiman has given certainty that the news about the container truck ballots that have been cast is a hoax. So that the community does not need to add to the murky atmosphere mainly in the social media arena.

The KPU also denied the news of the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) finding the ballot. Arief Budiman also regretted this news so that his party really hoped that the hoax disseminator was immediately arrested.

KPU has moved to Tanjung Priok port to re-check the issue of the discovery of seven containers of electoral ballots that have been punched. As a result, the KPU did not find seven containers mentioned originating from China and carrying each of the 10 million ballots.

The Election Supervisory Board also participated in conducting inspections in the middle of the night, the presence of Bawaslu and the KPU aimed at making the community not provoked by any misleading information. Surely all information that is misleading and disrupts the stages of the election must be immediately clarified by the organizers and election supervisors.

Interior Minister Tjahjo Kumolo asked for assistance from the National Police Bareskrim to thoroughly investigate hoaxes related to the 2019 election ballot as many as 7 containers had been cast off and were in the Tanjung Priok Port of Jakarta. He also stressed that Bareskrim is always interesting who is irresponsible people who spread issues related to the ballot that was punched.

In the conduct of elections, of course all elements of society and the KPU and Bawaslu have an important role to play in fighting against the hoax news. It is time for the community to begin to be critical and dare to report to the authorities if they know of potential election violations.

The decisive step from the police was deemed necessary to handle the case, because it could disrupt political stability, disrupt the course of the election and disturb the community.

The hoax news that is widely made certainly has a purpose to create a polemic which in the end has the potential to legitimize the credibility of the election.

The former head of the Constitutional Court (MK) said that the news about 7 containers of ballots for the 2019 election that had been cast was something that was unreasonable, this was because the ballots for the 2019 Election had not yet been printed. Even the KPU has not printed a specimen or an example of a ballot.

Before the ballot papers are circulated, the KPU will make a ballot specimen first to be addressed to the contestants or publicly announced. After the process, the ballots are printed with close supervision.

The actions of the KPU and Bawaslu deserve appreciation. The KPU immediately explained the rapid clarification and actions of the KPU which directly clarified and reported on the hoaxes of 7 ballot containers. Therefore, the KPU’s decisive step needs to be supported by Indonesian democracy

The ballot hoax can be made possible is a political trick, maybe even a movement to disrupt public opinion on the electability of the KPU.

In this case the mass media should also participate in broadcasting positive news, especially the mainstream media which is a reference for trusted sources.

Society must be critical if they get the news that the truth is still in doubt. The closer to the election, the more will try to justify any means. One of them is by spreading hoaxes that aim to disrupt the atmosphere and attempt to bring down other groups.

We need to suspect that the hoaxes of ballot containers that have been cast off, are clearly a systematic effort to degrade the net in 2019 which is peaceful and safe.

The hoax news spreaders seem to feel itchy if they don’t provide destructive statements or hoaxes. However, the bad people who disrupt the democratic party in holding elections must be secured.

The elements – hoax makers and disseminators of the news should also need to reflect on the case that had happened to activist Ratna Sarumpaet. Because this annoying thing will not make people become sympathetic and feel caring.

The case of Ratna Sarumpaet and then spread in the case of ballots already punched is certainly a form of unpreparedness to compete honestly, well and intelligently.

Meanwhile the KPU has coordinated with the Police Headquarters Crime Cyver to follow up on false news regarding the findings of seven ballot papers that have been punched, both in the form of recordings, sound recordings and writings on social media.

As is known, before the issue of ballot hoaxes that had been punched, the community had been shocked by the Al – Qur’an reading test for potential state leaders. Then, will tilting news appear or new issues emerge to just look for.

) * The author is a Political Observer

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