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Vatican Admit Palestine As A State

Vatican Admit Palestine As A State
Vatican Admit Palestine As A State

By: Arifin *)

Vatican formally recognized the state of Palestine in their new agreement . The agreement , which was finalized Wednesday but still to be signed , mention the holy throne switch the diplomatic relations of the Palestine Liberation Organization to the Palestinian state , reported by tempo.co , Wednesday, 05/13/2015.

“Yes, it’s a recognition that this nation exist,” said the Vatican spokesman , Federico Lombardi.

BBC launch, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Vatican , Antoine Camilleri , said the agreement is expected to help create something what called a ” two-state solution ” to end the conflict with Israel.

A few days earlier, in the opening of the Asian-African Summit in Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta , president of Indonesia, Joko Widodo , explicitly invites the countries that attended the conference to support Palestinian independence.

“We and the world still owes to the Palestinian people .” According Jokowi, the world is helpless watching the suffering of the Palestinians who live in fear and injustice as a result of colonization that lasted so long.

“We must not turn away from the suffering of the Palestinian people . We must continue to fight with them. We must support the emergence of an independent Palestinian state,” said President Jokowi.

With the recognition plan, the Vatican adds a long list of European countries that recognize Palestina. Last year, the European Parliament, United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Spain, and France approved a motion supporting the State of Palestine. While Sweden take a tougher line with formally recognized Palestine as a state. So far already 137 countries, of which there are about 200 countries around the world that recognize Palestine, reported Sindonews.com.


*) The Author is Jakarta Regional Contributors


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