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Year of Politics, Year of Respect, Not Chastising


By: Dodik Prasetyo) *

Democracy is the spirit of the realization of the NKRI, destroying democracy is the same as he is not loyal to his own homeland. Beginning in January 2019 the irony of the election will re-emerge on the surface, where there are 2 graves that have been buried decades ago, moved only because of differences in political views.

The irony occurred in Gorontalo, the two graves had to be moved only because the family of the corpse had a different choice between the legislative candidate and the land owner who still had family relations. This case certainly adds to the list of hoaxes of democratic parties in Indonesia.

From these events, it is certainly clear that politics is still understood as a means of gaining power, so that all efforts are halted to win political contests.

The halal of all methods also does not only occur in the struggle for legislative seats such as the story of the transfer of bodies, but also occurs in the presidential election, where hoaxes are scattered, fake news is spread and politicization of religion is intensified.

Politics should not affect relations between humans. Especially if it affects people who have died, which does not have political rights.

Political differences do threaten the severance of a relationship, there is a unique phenomenon that occurs in the legislative election contest, where Bacaleg from West Sumatra Febri Wahyuni ​​confessed that he broke up with his girlfriend because of different political party choices.

Febri also said that the reason for her separation from her lover was because Indonesia had to be championed first.

We may already be very familiar with the proverb “united we are firm, divorce we collapse”. But it will be something very ironic if only because of differences in political choice, the integrity and unity of the nation’s children becomes torn apart, so that ultimately people will be prone to be ridden by them.

One thousand friends are lacking, 1 enemy is too many, but the sentence seems to be ignored before the 2019 political contest, perhaps at this time there are still many people who are willing to pawn their friendship to gain political power. This is the evil of politics, especially for the servants of power who interpret democracy narrowly.

Contradictions in the political world do tend to lead to unhealthy conditions, this is because each party feels that their party or party is the most correct and seeks to deny the others. Not yet seen the attitude of wisdom in addressing differences.

Truth is like gold which is still called gold even though it wallows in the bottom of dirty mud, or even when it is in the middle of a pool of unclean water.

Therefore, the advice of Ali Bin Abi Talib can certainly be made an example, that we are asked to see what is said, and not see who said it. Our hatred of a particular person or group does not necessarily make us absolutely not believe in the possibility of the truth of his words and actions

In making friends, of course it is normal if differences arise. But finding ‘similarities’ is more important. Even though it’s different but still maintaining the same, this is the essence of maintaining friendships in the political era.

We certainly have the right to walk in each other’s ways. But we must remember that the right path is not only ours. Maybe it’s only a matter of tastes, interests, talents and hobbies that make the road that is traversed feel better and more beautiful than others.

In politics, wisdom is needed for the sake of the realization of elections that are peaceful and free from all forms of verbal abuse and destructive utterances both in the real world and in cyberspace.

The concrete step we can take to realize peaceful elections is to learn a lot and read good political theories and strategies taught by philosophers and those that have been practiced by figures who are successful in politics.

By learning a lot of the theory, of course we will have enough knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages that exist in every political theory and strategy. The important thing is that we will know that every theory and strategy is not in a static vacuum. This means that all kinds of differences regarding political theory will be understood by us as forms of ideology which do not really need to be challenged with the right attitude.

Besides that, it establishes and expands relationships and erodes the reluctance to establish friendships even with people with different political views. In this way we can better understand why there are or may be many people who differ in their political flow from ourselves.

In this way it is not impossible that political opponents will respect our political views, it is not impossible that someday they will be in line with us, so that differences are not interpreted as a dividing line, but differences can also be reasons to collaborate towards the same goal, like setting up a houses of course material is needed such as cement, brick, sand, water and various other elements.

On the other hand schools and educational institutions must also take a role in responding to the current conditions of society. In addition to providing skills education and lessons, it is important for schools to provide insight into nationalism to students / students. Those young voters must also be given an understanding of the diversity possessed by the Indonesian Nation.

Political contestation is a spirit of democracy that must be upheld with a fair attitude, it is time for us to hold our thumbs not to share information that tends to be destructive by cornering one of the candidates.

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