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Facts and Data on Slamet Ma’arif Chief of PA 212 to be Confirmed as Suspects


By: Dedy Irawan) *

Based on the title of the case to review of all the evidence, witness statements, including the results of the examination from the concerned, the investigator assessed and reviewed through the case’s title that Slamet Ma’arif’s status was raised from witnesses to suspects.

Determination of the Chairman of the Alumni Brotherhood (PA) 212, Slamet Ma’arif as the suspect, was approved by lawyer Slamet Mahendradatta.

When asked whether the Chairperson of the PA 212 would be immediately arrested, the Surakarta police station handed over all the processes to the investigators.

He said, whether after being arrested or not, it will be reviewed in advance from the Election Law.

During the activities of Tabligh Akbar PA 212, both the police and the Election Supervisory Body gave warnings to the organizing committee to comply with the provisions because of the grand tabligh activity there was no permission from the police. The activity is only a notification from the committee.

The Police and Bawaslu have given a warning, Bawaslu has also conveyed its signs to the organizers so as not to violate provisions that should not be violated.

Surakarta Deputy Police Chief Andy Rifai said that Slamet would be questioned at the Central Java Regional Police for security reasons. Slamet Ma’arif will be questioned as a suspect for allegedly off-schedule campaigns.

The basis for the determination of the slamet suspect is, committing an election crime by violating article 280 paragraph 1 letters a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j concerning the campaign outside the schedule determined by the KPU, Provincial KPU and Regency / City KPU as stipulated in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections.

The allegation of election violations was carried out by Slamet at the Tabligh Akbar PA 212 Solo Raya, on Jl Slamet Riyadi, Pasar Kliwon District, Surakarta, on Sunday, January 13, 2019 at 6:30 – 10:30 WIB.

Determination of Slamet as a suspect, allegedly because he carried out a speech filled with campaign in the event Tabligh Akbar PA 212. Solo Election Supervisory Body then examined a number of witnesses and evidence. The Solo Bawaslu also briefly summoned the chairman of PA 212 Slamet Ma’arif to be questioned regarding his lecture at the Tabligh Akbar event.

Furthermore, the Commissioner of the Surakarta Bawaslu Abuse Division, Poppy Kusuma brought evidence of alleged election violations at the Tabligh Akbar event to the Surakarta Police.

According to the police, the determination of the suspect was in accordance with the applicable procedures and rules. As is known, the Election Supervisory Body of the City of Surakarta has found allegations of a number of violations committed by the suspects during the Tabligh Akbar event in Solo City.

After Tabligh Akbar PA 212 in January, former MPR Chair Amien Rais claimed to have seen tens of thousands of national people gather to convey their aspirations. He also said that the wave of desire to replace the President was very strong and could not be stopped.

Amien Rais also gave a warning to President Jokowi regarding the case which profited Slamet Ma’arif’s name, he said “What is Jokowi, what do you want?”

Amien Rais’s statement also raised questions from the Presidential Chief of Staff, Ali Mochtar Ngabalin, he questioned why everything was always associated with President Jokowi.

 “Why did he use diction like threatening the president? As a senior like Mr. Amien Rais, why is it always related to palace intervention, presidential intervention, government intervention at all times? That is an ordinary legal process, “he said

Ali Mochtar Ngabalin also asked Amien Rais not to issue a statement that misled the public. Because according to him, Slamet’s examination at Surakarta City Police Station was in accordance with the applicable mechanism and there was no intervention from Jokowi or the government.

This is also a big question for Jokowi TKN – Ma’ruf Amin who is still confused because the senior politician from the PAN National Mandate Party continues to attack the incumbent presidential candidate.

Irma Suryani Chaniago as the spokesperson for Jokowi – Ma’uf TKN revealed, “Sorry, I, as a regular citizen, ask Mr. Amien Rais, what do you want, Father? How come you always talk harshly to the President? What’s wrong with you? “

Irma also reminded that President Joko Widodo had never once replied to Amien’s words even though he was as rude as what he said. According to him, this was a form of Jokowi’s respect for senior figures.

Irma also added that Amien Rais should have felt embarrassed because every statement and statement from Amien Rais had never received a response from Joko Widodo. This is because he respects Amien Rais as a senior politician who is already old.

He also said he was confused about Amien Rais’s attitude. If all this time, members of the Board of Trustees of BPN Prabowo – Sandi always questioned the issue of law enforcement, why if there were litigants they did not want to follow the legal process.

He also asked the former Chairperson of the MPR for self-introspection. The DPR member also hoped that Amien Rais would not continue to throw allegations at Jokowi.

Ahead of the General Election, Amien Rais often made statements that made the public frown, almost all the problems in Indonesia were always associated with President Jokowi’s leadership, giving rise to the impression that all the problems in Indonesia were Jokowi’s fault.

) * The author is a social political observer

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