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Bawaslu Investigates Prabowo- Sandiaga Uno Campaign with Invovling Children


by: Rika Prasetya

Bawaslu found allegations of open campaign violations committed by presidential candidate number 02 Prabowo – Sandiaga, where in the campaign children were also participating in the grand Prabowo-Sandi campaign. From the data obtained by Panwascam on the ground, Prabowo’s campaign at Karebosi allegedly violated two things. First, there are other attributes outside the election participants and involve children in politics. Bawaslu is carrying out an investigation and has been investigated. In the near future Bawaslu will call the parties concerned.

            According to Bawaslu Commissioner Zulkarnain, the results of the interim monitoring included several suspected violations. It will also invite the campaign implementation team. On previous occasions, KPAI has also received several reports regarding alleged involvement of children in political activities. Some of them have been forwarded to the Bawaslu or the National Police. Rahmat Bahja as a member of the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) stressed that children should not be involved in a guided campaign for election participants. Children may not be taken to the location of open campaigns / grand campaigns, and should not be mobilized in campaign actions.

            “It is not permissible for campaign implementers to mobilize children. As soon as we mobilize children and then the children appear on the stage, the name is a violation of the campaign, “Bagja said.

            Bagja also explained that children are prohibited from appearing on the campaign stage in any case, such as dancing, singing, or even speeches. There should be no intention from timses to gather children in the campaign, or to order campaign participants to involve children. Not only that, election participants and people who attended the campaign were also prohibited from bringing children to the campaign location.

            The parties found to bring children in the campaign, potentially declared violating laws and regulations. However, in the event that the campaign participants bring children, the Bawaslu must first investigate the reasons and objectives concerned. In addition to Makassar, Prabowo Subianto’s open campaign was also held in Denpasar Bali, the campaign was held in Komplyang Field, but apparently this campaign also still involved a number of minors in the grand campaign.

            Prohibition of involving children in the campaign stipulated in law Number 07 of 2017 concerning elections Article 280 paragraph (2) letter k, which states, the executor and / or campaign team in election campaign activities are prohibited from including Indonesian citizens who do not have rights choose.

            Article 15 of the Child Protection Constitution states that every child has the right to obtain protection from use in political activities. Meanwhile, article 76 H states, every person is prohibited from recruiting or manipulating children for military and / or other interests and leaving children without life protection.

            Politician Budiman Sudjatmiko explained that the Prabowo – Sandiaga group often used tactics similar to terrorists by launching a black campaign in the 2019 Presidential Election. The involvement of children in the campaign had also happened before. In the recording, the 29-second video recorded the children in the class singing an invitation to choose presidential and vice-presidential candidate number 02.

            In the video, the children who sit on the elementary school sing the song with the lyrics: Let’s choose Prabowo – Sandi while moving their hands. Even some children held up two fingers indicating the choice of Prabowo’s partner – Password. Udayana University Sociology Lecturer Wahyu Budi Nugro assessed semiotically the representation of young children as purity and innocence. Not infrequently, children are identified as tabularasa, white paper without stains. So, these children are intended to be able to present it

            Meanwhile Maryati Solihah as Commissioner of Trafficking and Exploitation of KPAI, emphasized that children should not become political objects. Included in the mobilization for certain political events, becoming a campaigner to help with money politics.

) * The author is a Contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute (LSISI)

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