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Saudi Arabia took RI Role in Fight Terrorism


By: Ajeng Mufadillah)*

Reinforcement units such as the anti-terror Police Headquarters Detachment 88 be an urgent need. The need was reflected in the selection of police cooperation with the Police of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia agreed to combat terrorism and radicalism.

Chairman of Commission III Bambang Soesatyo said that with this agreement, Saudi Arabia indirectly reminded Indonesia about the seriousness of the threat of terrorism today.

Golkar Party politician also believes that this cooperation as an option and will of King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, to deal directly signed by National Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Police Chief Usman al Mughrij in Bogor.

According to Bambang, before the deal was signed, King Salman also sent Usman al Mughrij, General Tito met in Jakarta on Tuesday, February 28, 2017. The two discussed strategies to ward off potential threats of terrorism.

He explained, from the meeting, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia have agreed to combat transnational crime. There are dozens of points of agreement. But the priority is to respond to terrorism today. As noted Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Indonesia, Osama Mohammad Abdullah Alshuaibi, the most important is an agreement to combat ISIS. Therefore, the Police and the Police Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to formulate a strategy to fight terrorism and its funding.

He argues, Saudi Arabia to make the selection of the police as a partner reflects the trust and recognition of competences and qualifications of the police in combating terrorism. Police-Police Cooperation Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was evident included in the priority Raja Salman, because police memorandum documents between the two countries was included in the 11 memorandums of understanding that had been prepared for signing officials of both countries.

Bambang said that moreover, the moment of its signing was witnessed by King Salman and President Joko Widodo. When speech in Parliament also Raja Salman stressed the importance of cooperation against terrorism.

Members of Parliament from the constituency of Central Java is continuing, the deal is very important and strategic for both countries. Therefore, Indonesia continues overshadowed the threat of terrorism. While Saudi Arabia has also been a target of terrorist attacks, as reflected on the events of three suicide bombings in July 2016.

Bambang added that one of them happened near Masjid Nabawi, Medina. Reasons and rationale behind the Police and Policing Agreement Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is expected to inspire the Parliament in revising the Act (UU) No. 15/2003 on Combating Criminal Acts of Terrorism. Therefore, Saudi Arabia has warned of the seriousness of the threat of terrorism today.


In addition, by making Polri as a partner, Saudi Arabia also like to emphasize that the international community is expecting a significant role in Indonesia in responding to ISIS network. Because the police have the competence and qualifications for the job.

By doing so, sufficient grounds if the revised Law on combating terrorism gives access to the expansion of state authority and flexibility to take action against anyone who is indicated as terrorists. State takes great authority and flexibility, due to the threat of terrorism will always be there for a span of time is difficult to predict.

Moreover, said Bambang, the terrorist of today continues to develop skills in line with the development of modern technology, and capable of forming syndication through network spans in various countries.

Bambang also added to anticipate the future threat of terrorism, Indonesia must continue to strengthen the anti-terror units, Detachment 88.

Saudi Arabia to make the selection of the police as a partner reflects the trust and recognition of competences and qualifications of the police in combating terrorism. So, not only the trust and recognition of the competence of the Police to play a role in terrorism, Saudi Arabia and even gave awards to Police soldiers for their bravery and their sacrifice in the war against terrorism.

)* The author is CIDISS contributor

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