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Charles Kossay appreciates the Jokowi government’s seriousness in accelerating Papua’s…
Jakarta – Young Papuan intellectual in the mountains, Charles Kossay, said that he appreciates the seriousness of President Jokowi's government in accelerating Papua's development through!-->…
The Papuan people are proud and grateful for the existence of the new autonomous region
By : Diane Ronsumbre )*
The addition of 4 New Autonomous Regions (DOB) has brought a lot of progress to Papua. Therefore, the people of Bumi Cendrawasih are very proud because their!-->!-->!-->…
The Papua Special Autonomy Fund Favors Indigenous Papuans
By : Hugo Steve Momoribo )*
The government extended Otsus (Special Autonomy) because this program is very useful for the people of Bumi Cendrawasih. The Special Autonomy Fund is in!-->!-->!-->…
Government Accelerates Competency Development of Papuan Human Resources
By : Timothy Gobay )*
The development context is not only about building infrastructure, human resources also need to be built for the progress of a region. For this reason, the!-->!-->!-->…
Traditional Figures Praise Jokowi Era Infrastructure Development
By : Rebecca Marian )*
Traditional leaders praised the clear infrastructure development in the era of President Jokowi's administration. They appreciate it because now Papua!-->!-->!-->…
Development Develops Rapidly, Jokowi Becomes the Best President for the Papuan People
By : Ones Yikwa )*
When Joko Widodo (Jokowi) served as President of the Republic of Indonesia, it was recorded that he was the one who visited Papua the most often, Jokowi even visited!-->!-->!-->…
The Government is Committed to Realizing the Welfare of the Papuan People
By : Nhoplent Gloria Kapayai )*
The government continues to make maximum efforts to realize the welfare of the Papuan people. This is marked by various government programs,!-->!-->!-->…
DOB is expected to be able to optimize services to the community
By: Anindira Putri Maheswani )*
The New Autonomous Region (DOB) for Papua was of course not formed without reason, the formation of the new autonomous region aims to provide!-->!-->!-->…
The Government is Serious about Improving the Quality of ASN to Fill Papua’s New Autonomous…
President Jokowi's administration has a strong commitment and extraordinary seriousness in order to further improve the quality of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) to fill regional expansion!-->…
New autonomous regions encourage increased investment competitiveness in Papua
By : Hendrik Pattipawae )*
The New Autonomous Region (DOB) in Papua has indeed provided many benefits, apart from for the local community the division of the New Autonomous Region of!-->!-->!-->…