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The Papuan people are proud and grateful for the existence of the new autonomous region


By : Diane Ronsumbre )*

The addition of 4 New Autonomous Regions (DOB) has brought a lot of progress to Papua. Therefore, the people of Bumi Cendrawasih are very proud because their area is getting better. They are grateful and grateful because DOB has made Papua neater and more modern. With the existence of 4 new autonomous regions, there will be equal distribution of development throughout the Papua region.

Since 2022 there have been 4 new autonomous regions in Papua, namely the provinces of Central Papua, Southwest Papua, South Papua and Mountain Papua. The Papuan people are relieved because they finally have a new province and the expansion of this region is their own request. With the DOB, there are many benefits, including maximum service to Papuans, and also accelerating infrastructure development.

When there was a new autonomous region, the Papuan people were very proud and grateful. Member of the MRP (Papua People’s Assembly) Herman Yoku stated that he was grateful to God and grateful to the government of President Jokowi’s era for fulfilling the request of the Papuan people to create a new autonomous region. 

Herman continued, as a Papuan figure who participated in conveying his aspirations to the government, he was proud that he had succeeded in realizing 4 new autonomous regions. Therefore, we ask all parties to unite to develop their respective regions according to the new province that has been formed. In the sense that there should be no hostility among the people, but they must unite for the progress of Papua.

After there are 4 new autonomous regions, public services in Papua are more affordable than before. The Papua Special Region is one of the Government’s seriousness in developing Indonesia evenly, especially in the eastern region which continues to be given good attention.

Then, conveniences will appear that can be reached by the local community. This results in the level of welfare of citizens increasing over time. The DOB that was built is a hope of being able to bring services closer to the local community, so that easy access and public facilities also become easier.

DOB is considered as a step to actualize and optimize the potential that exists in the region. This is because regions have the authority to regulate and manage the interests of local communities. Not only that, local governments are able to see basic needs to become development priorities. With the implementation of Otoda, development in the area will progress, develop regional development, improve services and people’s welfare.

Meanwhile, member of Commission I DPR RI Yan Permenas Mandenas admitted that up to now the entire community agrees with the existence of a new autonomous region in West Papua. Yan believes that DOB will have a positive impact on local communities, while his party continues to communicate with indigenous West Papuans.

The regional government together with the people in the region will jointly develop the region for progress and common interests. For example, the Saireri traditional territory and then the Animha traditional territory. The people in South Papua support it.

Support from the people of South Papua and other provinces is very important for progress in Papua as a whole. They are happy because the government created a new province which was the request of the Papuan people. Meanwhile, the 4 new autonomous regions are currently still in the period of improvement, so that services to the community will be better.

If the DOB government is complete and running well as a whole, the welfare of the people in Bumi Cendrawasih can also be guaranteed to improve well. Everything requires a process, with patience they will reap commensurate results. 

Meanwhile, member of Commission II DPR RI, Rico Sia also admitted that he was very grateful because currently Papua already has 4 new provinces. He, representing the indigenous Papuan community (OAP) from Southwest Papua, expressed his deep gratitude to the leadership of the DPR RI, including The government, especially President Jokowi.

With the existence of 4 new autonomous regions, it guarantees that there will be better public services for the people of Papua for years to come. He also hopes that the central government can help the new government in Southwest Papua Province run smoothly so that the existence of regional government can run smoothly and improve welfare for all people in Papua more evenly.

Currently, the public services provided by the central government can run very well and are distributed to OAPs to all corners of Bumi Cenderawasih because they are helped by the existence of the formation of new autonomous regions. With the improvement in public services, the people in Papua are very grateful.

The Papuan people are very proud of the existence of 4 new autonomous regions because there will be a lot of progress in these new provinces. They are also grateful because the existence of new autonomous regions will create equitable development throughout Papua. The Papuan people are grateful that the government has granted their request for the formation of a new province, because it will simplify administration and trigger modernity in the Land of Cendrawasih.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Manado

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