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Government Intensifies Vaccination to Prevent Covid-19 Spike
By: Aldia Putra )*
The government continues to intensify vaccination in the midst of a surge in Covid-19 cases in order to increase the immunity of the community both from the!-->!-->!-->…
Beware of Increasing Covid-19 Cases with Prokes and Vaccination Disciplines
By : Syafrudin Pratama *)
The current phenomenon shows that Indonesia has again experienced an increase in Covid-19 cases. Positive confirmations of Covid-19 increased by 2,167 cases in!-->!-->!-->…
The Government Improves the Quality of Human Resources for Indigenous Papuans
By: Rebecca Marian)*
The government continues to improve the quality of Papuan Indigenous Human Resources (HR) through various training and education. With this quality improvement, OAP!-->!-->!-->…
Complete Dose Vaccination and Effective Booster to Prevent Transmission of BA.4 and BA.5 .…
By: Angga Gumilar )*
The Covid-19 vaccination has been shown to be effective in protecting the body from transmission of the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants. By following a complete or!-->!-->!-->…
Tighten Prokes, Prevent Increase in Covid-19 Cases
By : Restu Pertiwi *)
The phenomenon of the increase in Covid-19 cases in Indonesia is increasingly troubling. This made Zubairi Djoerban as the Chair of the Covid-19 Task Force for the!-->!-->!-->…
Discipline of Health and Vaccination Protocols Key to Face the New Subvariant of Covid-19
By: Namira Eka Saraswati
Discipline of health protocols and vaccinations is the key to dealing with the new subvariance of Covid-19. This must continue to be done so that people are not!-->!-->!-->…
Anticipating the Increase in Covid-19 Cases
By: Aulia Hawa )*
Covid-19 cases in Indonesia currently tend to increase even though they are within safe limits. The public is advised not to panic but still anticipate by always!-->!-->!-->…
Support the Presence of Moderate Lecturers
By: Ismail)*
The community supports the existence of moderate preachers who are able to spread the spirit of peace and religious moderation. With the increasing number of moderate!-->!-->!-->…
Encouraging Prospective Hajj Pilgrims to be Healthy and Free from Covid-19
By: Riswandi Fauzi)*
The government will dispatch Indonesian pilgrims in line with the opening of the Hajj season by the Government of Saudi Arabia. Nevertheless, prospective pilgrims!-->!-->!-->…
Gotong Royong Maintains Positive Trends in Controlling Covid-19
By: Raditya Rahman)*
Covid-19 cases continue to decline, especially after the long Eid al-Fitr holiday. Nevertheless, all components of society are asked to continue to work together in!-->!-->!-->…