By: Agus *)
Chief of the 0911/Nunukan District Military Command, Lt. Col. Putra Widastawa said the Malaysian monitoring post building in Pulau Kayu Mati Island tip near Nunukan Distric, North Kalimantan, would not spoil relation between two countries due to that building has not violated the border of Malaysia-Indonesia.
“Based on the field check and confirmation from the local Navy and the topography of the VI/Mulawarman Regional Military Command, the Malaysian monitoring post does not violate agreements,” Lt. Col. Putra Widstawa said.
Lt. Col. Putra added The Malaysian post building has based on Malaysia-Indonesia Border Agreements and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) such as map of 1891 British-Dutch Convention in London and the Boundary Agreement in Tawau in 1915, the Boundary Convention 1928 in The Hague and MoU Malaysia-Indonesia border survey in 1973.
On the other hand, Indonesian Government through Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) established construction 1.034 km of road patrol throughout the length of Indonesia-Malaysia border in Kalimantan Island (from Long Apari West Kutai, East Kalimantan to Sei Ular in Nunukan, North Kalimantan).
Commander Gen. VI Mulawarman, Dicky Wainal Usman said “road patrol will be enabled for border patrol officer”
Beside of that, Indonesian Government also has arranged to build economic centres in some points of the border districts. Government has been aiming the properly health care, and education facilitations for Indonesian citizens who are living in the border of two countries.
“There are 10 regions would be development centres along of frontier Malaysia-Indonesia consist of Paloh/Aruk, Jagoi Babang, Entikong, Jasa, Nanga Badau, Long Pahangai, Long Nawang, Long Midang, Simanggaris, dan Nunukan in West Kalimantan, East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan,” Deputy for Region Development and Regional Autonomy, Ministry of National Development Planning, Imron Bulkin said.
*) The Author Is Brunei Contributors