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Asean Economic Community
Asean Economic Community

By: Arifin )*

Indonesia entered the free market as the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2016. The agreement was made ​​by the 10 members of ASEAN in 2007 that aims to improve the region’s economy by increasing the competitiveness in the regional and international arena, so that the economy grows evenly. Moreover, also improve ASEAN people’s lives.

AEC open labor market professionals. There are eight professions is opened (free of skill labor) when AEC start rolling are engineers, architects, nurses, surveyors, tourism workers, medical practitioners, dentists, and accountants.

AEC should be addressed as a challenge to improve the quality of domestic products that are ready to compete. In addition, partnership opportunities with foreign companies who will enter must be a chance for transfer of technology and expertise for local companies.

Chairman Real Estate Indonesia (REI), Eddy Hussy said domestic developers are generally not so worried with AEC era. Cooperation between local and foreign developers have often carried by REI members from various cities.

It is also revealed by the Director General of International Trade Cooperation of the Ministry of Commerce, Bachrul Chairi, in Jakarta, who said with the implementation of AEC, Indonesia has huge opportunities to develop potential export markets, including the business orientation, reported by viva.co.id.

Similar thing delivered by Chief of Kospin Services Branch Semarang, Muhammad Rum, in the event of delivery of lottery Cooperative Savings Extravaganza in his office on Gajah Mada Street, Friday (1/15/2016) . “Various preparations have been done by cooperative to face AEC in 2016. One of them is to implement how to pick up the ball, “he said, as quoted suaramerdeka.com

Rum said, entering the AEC, cooperative must be required to provide reliable service and improving the competence of the Human Resources.

Reported by bisnis.com, Head Director of Research Savills Property Connection Indonesia, Anton Sitorus said the presence of foreign developers in the national property market as the start of the AEC is believed to promote the growth of the country property industry, although also requires readiness of domestic businesses and government support.

“More and more foreign developers are starting to believe the property market in Indonesia. That is something positive, “he said

While the Associate Director of Research Services, Colliers International, Ferry Salanto said, a number of foreign developers already demonstrated their seriousness to enter the Indonesian market since before AEC begin.

On the other hand, the tourism sector is also ready to face AEC. Tourism and Economic Observers Padjadjaran University (Unpad), Popy Rufaidah said, in terms of quality and quantity, labor Indonesian tourism sector most prepared for the AEC, cited Wartakota.

Furthermore, one of the areas that ready to face AEC is Lamongan District, East Java. This is because it is supported by adequate infrastructure such as 4 ports, railway with double track, said implementation of regents Lamongan, Wahid Wahyud,during opening Working Meeting Regional Assembly of the Indonesian Muslim Student Alumni Corps  (KAHMI) Lamongan in the Hall Lokatantra, (1/17/2016), reported beritametro.co.id

)* The Author is Jakarta Regional Contributor

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