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Japanese Economy Minister Appreciates Job Creation Law


By: Dodik Prasetyo ) *

The Job Creation Law was appreciated by the Japanese economy minister. This appreciation should make us proud, because the government is considered competent in enforcing regulations. This law is effective in stimulating investment and Indonesia’s economy, so that it can quickly rise from the gloomy times of the pandemic.

Even though it was considered controversial because there were objections from several parties, the Job Creation Law was still promulgated at the end of 2020. This law is considered to be able to solve various problems in this country, ranging from the economy, investment, to employment. So it is often referred to as the universe broom law.

Appreciation for the Job Creation Law came from the land of Sakura. The Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Kajiyama Hiyoshi appreciated the Indonesian government’s policy of issuing Law number 11 of 2020 (Job Creation Law). He hopes that with this law, the business climate in Indonesia will be better in the future.

Kajiyama continued, the Job Creation Law had a good effect on the investment world. Because there is legal certainty and transparency. In that sense, both Japan and other countries will be happy to invest, because there is good legal protection. Foreign oil palm planters will get clarity and guarantees, even investing in Indonesia is very safe.

In the Job Creation Law there is an investment cluster that makes it easier for investors to enter Indonesia. Investment licensing will be made easier, because it will be divided into 3 types based on risk: high, medium, and low. On the other hand, business permits can be issued faster. If it took months before, now it only takes 7 working days.

In addition, business licenses can also be arranged online . So that it will make it easier for investors to take care of it. They don’t need to go all the way to Indonesia, but just open their gadgets and then take care of business legality. Online business licenses can also keep you from extortion by unscrupulous employees.

The appreciation from the Japanese minister should make the government proud. Because the Japanese are famous for their hard work. If they praise it, then the government’s efforts are right. Because it shows that efforts to improve community performance are harder and facilitate investment in Indonesia.

Why should you invest? Because the source of funds from foreign entrepreneurs can be used as capital to strengthen the economy in Indonesia. When they build factories in Indonesia, it will create new jobs and reduce the level of control in the country. So that the prosperity of the people will increase.

Minister Agus Gumiwan g Katasasmita who was having an audience with the Japanese Minister of Economy Kajiyama Hiroshi stated that the Ministry of Industry wanted to strengthen economic cooperation with Japan. Also encouraging increased investment from the samurai country. In that sense, hopefully the Job Creation Law can further enhance the mutually beneficial cooperation between the 2 countries.

People do not need to be afraid if there is cooperation in the form of foreign investment. Because it is not a new model of colonialism at all. Foreign investment is bilateral cooperation and must be mutually beneficial. There is no such thing as one-sided profit, and hopefully don’t be allergic to the word ‘foreign’, because investment has actually existed since the New Order era.

Precisely when there are investors, the community will benefit. Because they opened a new factory in Indonesia and who knows the price can be lowered. The reason is because the shipping cost is cheaper than before.

The appreciation from the Japanese economy minister made the government radiant , because it was considered to make laws that were competent and benefited many people. Investors will benefit from easing the regulations and making business permits easier. Investors from all over the world will enter Indonesia and make the economy move faster.

) * The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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