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North Sulawesi Exports Cigarette, We Can Face AEC

North Sulawesi exports cigarette to the Philippines since 2014.
North Sulawesi exports cigarette to the Philippines since 2014.

By: Saiful *)

Manado – North Sulawesi exports cigarette to the Philippines since 2014. We export cigarettes to Philippines as much as 25,97 tons and capable of generating foreign exchange of 157.721 USD. high leves of cigarette exports showed a high demand for cigarettes in Asean, this is an opportunity for us.

Head of Industry and Trade of North Sulawesi, Karouw Jenny said that the export of cigarettes is an opportunity for the North Sulawesi. We can develop the export of products that are able to compete and to supply the needs of ASEAN countries at the end of 2015 to enter the free market ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).

“Now is the era of AEC, we must improve the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) , so we can compete with other countries. I believe that, North Sulawesi are ready and able to face the AEC, “she explained.

We hope that our products will increasingly and capable of reaching the international market. The Government will continue to facilitate the exporters and industries in North Sulawesi through coaching and training, she said.

*) The Author Is Sulawesi Regional Contributors

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