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Boost Cooperation Betwen Indonesia And Czech Republic

Delegation of Indonesia and Czech Republik
Delegation of Indonesia and Czech Republik

By: Agus *)

Indonesia and the Czech Republic agreed to boost cooperation in various fields. The agreement was reached when a meeting between Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi with Czech Foreign Minister, Lubomir Zaoralek.

Increased cooperation between the two countries, including trade, tourism, energy, education, defense, and also the issue of terrorism and extremism.

Retno said the Czech Republic is one of Indonesia’s trading partners in eastern and central Europe, after Russia, Ukraine, and Poland. The total investment in the Republic of Indonesia in the last five years amounted to USD 34.35 million.

Meanwhile, in the field of education, the two countries plan to open scholarships. Throughout 2015, Indonesian students have received scholarships to about 180 to the Czech Republic and will be improved this year.

From the Czech side, the intention to increase cooperation, especially cooperation in the economic field, Zaoralek brought 31 businessmen who will meet with their Indonesian counterparts. The businessmen will discuss investment cooperation.

 *) The Author is Brunei Contributor

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