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10 Years Challenge is a Proof of the Spirit drom Ma’ruf Amin to Build Indonesia with Jokowi


By: Satria Wisnu Utama *
The ’10 Years Challenge’ advertisement which was often presented by vice president Ma’ruf Amin when the debate immediately received attention from Warganet, even at that time the # 10earschallenge had become a trending topic on Twitter. National Survey Media Executive Director Rico Marbun said that Maufuf wanted to take millennial framing which had been physically stronger in framing Sandiaga Uno.
He considered that the “10 Years Challenge” tactic was used because Ma’ruf Amin was aware that in the visual era it was difficult to fight further age differences. The strategy is expected to bring millennial voters closer to the presidential candidate pair number 01.
“Right now it’s viral compared to our changing condition for 10 years,” Rico said.
In the vice presidential debate arena, Ma’ruf Amin used the 10 years challenge sentence to confirm his programs. This is seen as illustrating that if Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin wins the 2019 Presidential Election, then 10 years later all the planned programs will be visible. The tactic includes three things, namely research, education and culture. This tactic cannot be separated from the enthusiasm to continue the program that has been carried out by Joko Widodo – Jusuf Kalla (JK).
The vice presidential candidate number 01 also intends to continue the vision and mission of the previous government. He said, along with Jokowi later, he would continue the Jokowi – JK era program.
“The key is in healthy, intelligent, productive and noble Indonesian people. Jokowi – JK has done many things, but work is not finished. Therefore, we Jokowi – Ma’ruf will continue this endeavor to build and protect the entire Indonesian nation, “said Mufuf.
The sentence of 10 years challenge also received a response from Firman Manan as a Political Observer from Padjadjaran University. His party considered that Ma’ruf Amin was not trying to change the ‘old’ image inherent in him through the use of the term 10 years challenge. According to him, Mufuf just wanted to make it easier for voters to remember their ideas through the term. He also added that the use of the term for an idea is easier to remember than at length delivered. Ideas that are hard to remember, he said, also will not be responded positively by voters.
He considered that the term could attract the attention of millennial voters, this is because the 10 years challenge was popular among millennials even though it had nothing to do with education or research.
Pangi Syarwi Chaniago as Executive Director of the Voxpol Center Research and Consulting, revealed that the ideas conveyed by Ma’ruf Amin in the debate strengthened Joko Widodo’s vision and mission. In contrast to Sandiaga Uno whose ideas represented his background as an economic activist and entrepreneur.
He said that the Vice President’s vision and mission should not be carried out alone. Instead, it must be synergic and synchronous as a candidate pair. As the vision and mission described by Ma’ruf Amin related to startups, it is proven that it is integrated with the programs run by the Jokowi-JK government at this time in opening the widest range of employment opportunities.
Meanwhile, the South Tangerang City Regional Campaign Team (TKD), Julia Mihardja, reminded the public that Indonesia should not have a Vice President whose ideas are not in harmony with the President’s vision and mission.

“Kiai Ma’ruf conveyed ideas that mutually reinforce each other with Mr. Jokowi,” said Julia, who is also the Chairperson of the Tangsel City Perindo DPD.
In addition, Ma’ruf Amin will also unite the coordination of research institutions by forming a National Research Agency, an accurate step to maximize research and development in Indonesia. Ma’ruf Amin also showed his intention in the world of education, where he and Jokowi would provide scholarships to higher education, so that every Indonesian child could hang his dreams as high as the sky without worrying about the high cost of education.
Ma’ruf also targets that in the future Indonesia will have 3,500 startups in 2024. Mufuf claims that currently the Jokowi government – JK has created 1000 startup companies. Ma’ruf Amin explained that this target could be achieved because the Jokowi government – JK had prepared a digital infrastructure by completing the Palapa Ring program. Until now, western and central Indonesia have been completed.

  • The author is an observer of social and political problems

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